First date

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Chapter 44: First date

It was now the middle of March in the school year. time had flied bye and school was as normal as it gets. Not much had changed over the few weeks that passed. Dick Grayson and Kitten Moth were still a couple, though their relationship did seem like it was in strain. Some students, and even teachers, were placing bets on how long it would last. Along that and other things, one of Jump City high School's finest had finally returned.

Roy Harper had finally returned to school exactly one week ago. With his return came some minor changes in his schedule. For example, he was seen visiting the school's guidance office. Not only that but upon his return Roy also quit the football team. When asked why he said it was for the better.

After a long day's of work school had finally ended. The teachers were holding a after school conference so any after school activities were cancelled for the day. The students filled the halls as they got their belonging's from their lockers. It being Friday the students had smiles on their faces and big plans for their weekends. One of the students with big plans for the weekend was Toni Monetti. She had two concert tickets to one of her favorite bands, Green Day.

Toni grinned as she made her way down the hall. She had two tickets. One was for her and the other was for who ever she choose to invite. And she knew just who she wanted to invite. Slowly she approached a jet black haired boy and covered his eyes.

"Guess who." she said happily.

"Uh... Toni."

Toni removed her hands from the boy's eyes and side stepped around him so they were face to face.

"Hey, Alain."

"What's up, Toni," Alain said as he flung his book-bag over his shoulder. "You need something?"

"I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend." Toni said as they walked down the hall together.

"I'm free," he rose a brow. "Why?"

"I was hoping you could come with me to see a concert on Sunday," Toni said. "I have two tickets to go see Green Day. So, you wanna come?"

"Sure. Green Day is one of my favorite bands."

"Cool, so then it's a date." Toni said as she continued to walk ahead. Alain however stopped in his tracks.

"A d-date?" he asked, not sure if he heard her right or not.

She stopped and turned to him. "Yeah, a date. Is there something wrong with that?"

"What? No, no. It's totally cool." Alain said with a wide smile that seemed forced.

"Sweet. So I'll call you up with the details later."

"Right," Alain nodded his head. "Later."

Toni gave a short nod and walked away. As soon as she was out of sight Alain let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding. The smile faded from his face as his mind took in the new information. Toni had asked him out on a date. Alain had to admit, he did like Toni and this could be his chance at a relationship with her but there was one problem with this whole situation. Alain had never been on a date before.

He needed help, and fast.

Wally whistled to himself as he approached Alain's house. Not to long ago Alain had called him and asked him to come over, saying it was important. During that time Wally was also talking to Jenn who was baby sitting her younger cousin, Simon. She had wanted him to come over and help but at the same time Alain called. Wally had to choose between Alain and Simon. Now after the last meeting with Simon, Wally naturally choose Alain. He wasn't exactly fond of Simon.

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