Behind the public mask

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Chapter 36: Behind the public mask

The month of January was coming to a close and the students couldn't be happier. Not only was the school year getting that much closer to it's end, but today was also the last day of the week. The students were rewarded with a two day vacation added along with their weekend.

But until then the students of Jump City High School were stuck in school. For a small group of students this meant lunch time. Lunch was a lively affair. Dick's friends, although not happy, had began to learn how to deal with Kitten being at their table. Things slowly began to get back to normal, or as normal as things get in high school.

Dick and Kori had managed to get their friendship back on track awhile ago and things seemed content for them. Karen and Raven couldn't understand it. During the sleep over Kori had told them she wanted to win Dick back but she still had yet to make her move.

The table seemed engrossed in something that Vic was saying at the moment but Karen had found it hard to focus. By the look on Raven's face she was having the same problem.

"You know what," announced Karen as she stood up from her seat. "I'm thirsty. Raven, come with me to get some soda."

Raven tool the hint that Karen wanted to talk and stood up. Together they walked up to the vending machine, far away from their table.

Karen turned to Raven. "Ok, what's the big deal? Why hasn't Kori made her move yet?"

Raven shrugged before she bent down to take out the soda from the vending machine. "If you ask me I think Kori is doing just fine."

"Why do you say that?" Karen asked as they slowly made their way back.

"Kori is building her friendship with Dick," said Raven. "She's making their bond stronger after the bump in the road they just faced."

"I don't know," Karen said uncertain. "I think she may need help."

"If she needed help she would ask us."

Karen sighed. "If you say so."

They arrived back at the table and reclaimed their seats. There was a small conversation drifting here and there, though it wasn't that much of importance. Every once in awhile Kori would occasionally rub her shoulder. The others couldn't help but notice.

"Is something wrong, Kori?" Vic asked in concern.

"I'm fine, it's just...," Kori groaned in pain and rubbed her shoulder again. "My body is just really tense right now with all the cheerleading practice."

"If you want, Kori, I could give you a massage," Dick said as he put his fork down on his tray. "It can help relieve some of the pain."

"Really, dick," Kori asked hopefully. "I would really appreciate that."

"Not a problem." Dick said as he turned around in his seat, Kori doing the same so her back was facing him.

Kori removed her white sweater and dick began his work. It was a good thing that she was wearing a spaghetti strap top and her hair was in a pony tail so Dick had more access. His fingers were like magic and Kori couldn't help but to be lost in his touch. It was firm but at the same time gentle and soft. Kori was clearly enjoying herself as tiny pleasure filled moans escaped her lips.

If one thought Kori was enjoying herself they would need to take a took at Dick. He was quite the happy camper right now. Kori's skin felt like silk and the tiny, almost unhearable, moans she was making made Dick want more. He shook his head, reminding himself that he had a girlfriend. Dick inwardly sighed, he wasn't supposed to be enjoying this... but he was.

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