Dinner party disaster

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Chapter 20: Dinner party Disaster

It was Friday in Jump City. The students of Jump City High scattered off to do their own things. For Kori and Raven, this meant going off home to prepare them selves for the upcoming dinner party. Both Dick and Xavier had to go off and get ready for the event. Both of them wanted to look presentable in front of Kori's parents, that and they wanted to impress Kori.

Kori was nervous about the party. Her hands were shaking and see couldn't apply her make-up. She cursed under her breath and threw the lipstick on her table. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. A knock was heard at her door and she said it was open. In walked Raven, herself almost ready and a lot more calm then Kori was.

"You okay?" Raven asked softly.

"No," Kori said, running a hand through her hair. "Do you think you could help me with my make-up, please."


Raven wasn't one for girly things such as this but she would make the acception for Kori. Raven couldn't remember seeing Kori this nervous. She grabbed a seat next to Kori and picked up her eye shadow, gently applying it to Kori's face.


"Almost. I just need to get dressed." said Kori.

"Not that. I'm talking about Dick and Xavier."


"I'll take that as a no."

"I just really wish they would get along."

"I think your hoping for too much," Raven said, putting on Kori's lipstick. "Their like a fish and air. They don't mix...All done."

Raven closed the cap to the lipstick and placed it back on Kori's desk. Kori looked in her mirror and smiled.

"Raven, it looks great. Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now hurry up and get dressed. The guys should be here any minute," Raven turned for the door and opened it. Before walking out she turned back to Kori. "Don't worry, I'm sure things will go fine."


"Well...if it doesn't I'll just have to kick both their asses."

Kori laughed and Raven walked out the door, glad that she got Kori to calm down. Kori turned to her dress and smiled. Maybe today won't go as bad as she thought.

Both Dick and Xavier had arrived earlier then expected. Both boys had on similar suits. Dick and Xavier were dressed in a black tux complete with black shoes. Dick had his hair spiked up as normal with his famous black sunglasses covering his eyes. Dick wore a white button-up shirt. Xavier looked the same except his hair wasn't spiked and he had no sunglasses on. Xavier wore a light blue button-up shirt. Both boys were currently in the living room when Luan and Myan walked in.

"Dick, it's good to see you." Myan said, shaking Dick's hand.

"Likewise, ." Dick said, shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Myan," he then turned to Xavier. "You must be Xavier."

"Ah, yes sir." Xavier said, holding out his hand but Myan just turned away.

"Dick, my boy, can I talk to you."

"Of course." Dick said, following Myan.

Xavier looked down at his shoes. That could have gone better.

"Don't mind him," said Luan, shaking Xavier's hand and giving him a warm smile. "I'm Luan."

"Hello, Luan. I can call you Luan right?"

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