People change

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Chapter 12: People change

The sun rose, bringing some light into her dark room. Her eyes began to twitch before finally opening. As soon as she opened her eyes the memory of last night came back to her. Her father had actually hit her. Was he even drunk when he did it? She knew he was drinking, but was it enough for him to inflict physical harm to her? Or was he silver and just wanted to hurt her?

Raven turned her head to look at her alarm clock. It was past eight which means he would be at work right now. She sighed in relief. She didn't have to face him.

At least not yet anyway.

But there was someone she had to face. Herself. Throwing the cover off herself she got up off her bed and made her way to the bathroom. Pushing the door open she stepped into the marble covered floor and walked up to the mirror. She was almost to scared to look at her reflection but she did anyway. Staring into the mirror she saw a bruise which covered her face. It was a black and blue color that covered most of her right cheek.

She sighed. How was she supposed to hide this from her friends? What if her friends wanted to know what happened to her?

She had to cover this up. Raven walked out the bathroom and back to her room. Opening up her closet door, she began to look for a old gift given to her. She pulled out a small box and opened it. Inside was brand new make-up. She remembered when she had got it. It was her thirteenth birthday and it was around the time for her to open up her gifts. The first one she had picked was a present from Dick. When she opened it she was surprised to see he had gotten her a make-up kit.

Let's just say she wasn't so happy about it. When she asked him why he got her that of all things he responded; 'You're a girl, your supposed to wear stuff like that.'

His remark ended up with her, Kori and Karen jumping him. She had broke his sunglasses and Kori messed up his hair, then Karen had shoved cake in his face. It ended with Vic and Gar jumping in to help Dick.

She laughed at the memory. Who would of thought she would actually get around to using this old thing. She just wished it was under better circumstances.

That's when her cell phone started to ring. It startled her and caused her to drop the make-up kit. She cursed under her breath and picked up whatever fell out. Her phone continued to ring and she stalked over to her night stand to pick up her black phone.


' Damn girl, chill. What's eating you?'

Raven sat on her bed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry, Karen. I'm just a little grumpy this morning."

' It's cool girl. Lord knows I've woken on the wrong side of the bed before.'

A slight chuckle was heard from both girls.

"So what is it, Karen. You called a little early."

' Oh right, yesterday me, Gar and Vic got to talking and we thought it would be cool to hang out at the mall today.'

"I'm not really one for malls..."

' Oh come on. It could be fun.'

Raven groaned. When Karen put her mind to something it was hard to talk her out of it, much less try to get out of it.

"Ok, what time will you be over."

' Around twelve. Oh and I'm sort of borrowing my parents new jeep. You know, the seven-seater.'

"Nice, but you do know you'll probably get grounded if you get caught."

' Not if I pay my brothers to keep shut about it.'

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