Let me go

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Chapter 38: Let me go

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Jade moaned and lifted her head off her pillow, her alarm clock was beeping like crazy. She threw her hand on top of it and pushed the button, making it stop it's infernal noise. Jade cuddled up more into her bed sheets and looked out the window. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day outside but she felt completely miserable.

She just couldn't understand it. Everything had been going just fine yesterday. She talked and laughed with her friends and had a wonderful day with Roy. Then she discovered the drugs in Roy's pocket. Jade wasn't stupid, she knew it was drugs, what kind she didn't know. When she first began high school the teachers and guest speakers had dumped tons of pamphlet's on all the students, warning them not to do drugs and alcohol.

Jade looked at her clock. It read 10:23 a.m. She hadn't realized that she slept in. With a groan she threw her bed sheets off and sat up in bed. Maybe some food will help calm her down. Jade walked downstairs and saw her mom in the kitchen.

"Jade, you're up. I made breakfast though it's kind of cold now."

Jade noticed the small stack of pancakes on the kitchen table. Jade shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care that her food was cold, that was the least of her worries. Jade's mom went over to the table and picked up her bag, she then leaned in and gave her daughter a small kiss on top of her head.

"I'm glad to have you back home, Jade," she said, walking towards the door. "Remember to lock up before you leave."

"I will!" Jade yelled before she heard the door close.

Jade picked at her food before finally taking a bite. She wasn't so hungry any more, but not because of the cold food. Her thoughts refused to let her have some peace of mind. All she could think about was Roy and those drugs in his pocket. Jade sighed and pushed the plate pancakes away. She thought she knew Roy. Her Roy would never do something like that.

"Maybe..." Jade whispered to herself, deep in thought.

Maybe he wasn't doing drugs. Just because there was drugs in his pocket didn't exactly mean he was doing them or that they were even his. Jade bit her lip, although that sounded like a possibility the chances of that being true was less then likely. If it wasn't his then why did he have them in his pocket. And if he wasn't doing them then why would he have them. She shook her head.

"None of this makes sense."

She was startled when she heard the phone ringing. Jade wasn't in the mood for talking right now but it could be important so she decided to pick it up.


"Jade, sweety. I'm in my car. Do you want me to come pick you up?"

Crap, it was Roy. He was the last person she wanted to talk to.

"Um... you know, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Why not? I was hoping we could spend some time together before you went over to that sleep over thing."

"I'm sorry but...," Jade paused to think of a good excuse. "But my mom wants some mother, daughter time. She really missed me while I was away."

"Doesn't your mom work today?"

Double crap.

"Uh... technically she does but she took the day off."

"Oh... so I guess I'll talk with you later."

"Yeah, the sounds good," Jade said quickly, wanting nothing more then to just end the conversation. "Well, would you look at the time. I gotta go, my mom is calling."

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