Jealous much

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Chapter 4: Jealous much



After math everyone meet to go to gym. Wally put his arm around Roy and Vic.

"You guys won't believe what Kitten invited Dick to do."

"What are you talking about?" asked Roy.

"She..." Dick rushed over and grabbed Wally in a head lock.

"Shut it."

"I'm thinking we missed something good," said Karen. "What happened during math, Kori?"

"I'm not sure. Dick was given a note and then the boys gave him weird looks."

"Who gave him the note?" asked Jade.


"That explains it." said Raven

"Knowing the slut she is, it was probably a free pass to her pants." said Jenn.

Kori looked down. Was it possible that Dick liked Kitten.

Their gym teacher , had them run laps.

"Keep going!" Yelled the gym teacher . "I refuse to teach slackers!"

After doing the laps, they were all given a break. The boys were separated from the girls, giving them a chance to talk. Gar fell on the ground, exhausted.

"Dudes!" he yelled."That was torture!"

"Come on man," said Vic."It wasn't that bad."

"Yeah even Kori runs faster then you." said Dick.

"Sure, Dick," said Roy."Compliment your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"We all know you like her." said Wally.

"I do not! She's just a friend."

"Just a friend, huh." asked Alain.

"Yes, just a friend."

"So you don't mind that Xavier is flirting with her right now."

"No I d- What!"


They were all sitting down talking, when Xavier walked up to them. He asked if he could speak with Kori and she walked off with him.

"Is there something wrong, Xavier?" asked Kori.

"No, I was just wondering what you wanted to do after school."

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe we could go and get something to eat."

"Cool. Oh, and sorry about lunch."

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be apologizing. My friends mean well, but still, they shouldn't treat you like that."

Just then Billy came running up to them.

"Sorry to interrupt you boss, but there's someone on the phone for you." said Billy, showing Xavier the cell phone.

"I'll be there in a minute." said Xavier and Billy walked away, when he noticed the tone of voice Xavier used.

"Boss," asked Kori, raising a eyebrow. "That's a weird nickname."

"Yeah, Billy is weird like that. So I'll see you later."


Before Xavier left, he took Kori's hand and kissed it. Kori blushed and walked over to the girls. While she was walking she thought to herself. 'Xavier can be strange at times.'


Dick was fuming. He had jealousy written all over his face.

"I think we should put some water on him." said Gar.

"Um..Dick, you ok man?" asked Vic, putting a hand on Dick's shoulder.

Dick shrugged it off. "I'm fine."

Just then, the girls walked over.

"Hey guys!" said Kori, with a cheerful voice.

"Is something wrong?" asked Karen, noticing the way Dick was behaving.

Dick looked mad and he was quiet. Kori put her hand on his forehead.

"Dick, are you alright?" asked Kori.

He pushed her hand away. "I'm fine."

The bell rang and Dick walked away.


Kori sat next to Raven during french class. She wanted to sit next to Dick, but he avoided her.' Why? Did I do something wrong?' she asked herself.

"Kori, you ok?" asked Raven, looking over at Kori.

"No. I am not," said Kori, looking down. "I want to know what is wrong with Dick. He seemed upset. Upset with me."

Raven, as well as the others, suspected Kori and Dick had a thing for each other. Any time someone would ask they would say they were just friends. Raven looked over to Dick. He was flirting with some girl with blonde hair. This was another reason why they could never get together, Dick was always with some new girl. Then Kori meet Xavier and Dick would always get jealous.

"Maybe you should do something for Dick." Kori looked up at Raven, with a questioning look. Raven let out a sigh. She was always the one who had to dive out advice. "Look, Dick has been touring in Paris all summer. He finally comes back and see's Xavier flirting with you." Kori was going to object, but Raven silenced her. "Whether it was flirting, or not, Dick is upset. Maybe he needs some assurance that your always going to be there for him."

Kori nodded. 'Something nice for Dick' she thought. A smile spread on her face. She knew just what to do for him.

The bell rang and everyone walked out the school. They made their way to the parking lot where they saw Dick with the same girl from french class. He handed her a helmet and she climbed on the back of his bike.

"Dudes, no fair!" whined Gar. "The first day of school and Dick already gets a girl!"

Raven slapped him on the back of his head. He was going to say something, but she pointed over to Kori. He stayed quiet. Kori was looking down, with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, Kori aren't you glad today is finally over!" said Karen, trying to cheer her up.

Kori looked up. "Oh...yeah." she said, putting on a fake smile.

Just then Xavier walked over.

"Hey, cutie. Ready to go?"

"Um...sure, Xavier. So where are we going?"

"I figured we go out for pizza. My treat."

Xavier climbed on his bike. Kori faced the others.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." she said and walked over to Xavier.

"Wait, Kori," said Vic. "Do you need a ride home afterwards?"

'It's ok," cut in Xavier. "I'll drop her off."

Vic looked like he wanted to rip Xavier apart, but calmed down when Kori gave him a hug.

"I'll be ok." Kori flashed him a smile.

She got on the back of Xavier's motorcycle and they speed off.


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