Temporary Insanity

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Chapter 30: Temporary Insanity

Before you start reading this chapter I advise you to listen to this song ' Love don't Change by Jeremiah ' . It's a very good song. I promise you would like it ! , You can also listen to it after reading this SHOCKING chapter also ... But just do I would like to share one of my favorite song with you guys and if you want you can listen to 'Ed Sheeran Thinking out Loud ' that's also a good song :) . £njoy Mwah :-*

Da Da Da Da Da Da

Da Da Da Da Da Da

There was a knocking at his door and Dick rolled over in his sleep. The knocking ceased and the door opened. Dick could hear someone step inside but remained completely still. He had no desire to get up and thought that maybe the person who intruded in his room would leave if they thought he was still asleep.

"Master Dick, I know you are awake and I suggest you get ready for your morning meal." said Alfred, the loyal butler of Wayne Manor.

Dick groaned and sat up in bed, tossing off his sheets. "How is it you always know when I'm faking?"

"I've been taking care of you for many years now Master Dick," Alfred said politely as he headed for the door. "It has become a second habit of mine to know certain things about you."

"Right, is that some kind of butler code?" Dick asked as he put on a shirt.

"Master Bruce is expecting to see you down stairs. Miss Diana is with him so please leave any remarks that are inappropriate behind."

"When have I ever been inappropriate with Diana?" Dick asked as he followed Alfred out the door.

"Need I remind you the first time she stayed over at Wayne Manor?"

"No comment."

Alfred merely shook his head with a small smile and trailed ahead, Dick following slowly behind him. Wayne Manor wasn't your typical mansion, it was more the size of a castle though that may have been exaggerating. Still, it was very large, a lot more space then needed for the small family which consisted of Bruce, Alfred and Dick.

What just happened?

Did you kiss me?

Cause that's a place we've never been until now

After passing through the red carpet halls and stairs, Dick walked into the dinning room. In the middle was a long oak wood table with chairs against it. At the head of the table sat Bruce and to his right was Diana, his girlfriend. She was a beautiful woman, only a few years younger then Bruce. She wore a silk robe that hid her body from others and her long black hair was out and ascended down past her shoulders and stopped at her waist. Her blue eyes looked up at Dick and she smiled sweetly. He returned her smile and sat down opposite of her but a few chairs down. Dick didn't mind Diana being around Wayne Manor. She was a good person and brought out a good side in Bruce that others never got to see. In a lot of ways she reminded Dick of Kori.

Alfred set down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Dick and the teenage boy began to eat. Alfred was an excellent cook. Dick said his thanks to the butler who disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Dick, after breakfast I want you to get ready," Bruce said, placing his cup of coffee on the table. "We have to leave early if were to make it in time to Metropolis."

"Do I have to go," Dick asked. He really wanted to stay at home since he had missed Christmas with his friends. "I mean, it's New Years."

"You're right, which is why we have to go," said Bruce sternly. "Clark Kent is throwing a party and invited us to attend."

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