Chapter 6

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"Shane's POV:

The air is knocked out of me and I almost throw up all of the liquid I've consumed in the last few hours.
"Well, that escalated quickly," I try to joke. The guy in the middle, seemingly the alpha of the three, punches me straight up in the jaw.
"Don't be a smart ass," he warns. Two of the guys hook their arms around me and pull me by a wall. I struggle to get out of their grip and try to run but the third guy pushes me back. I stumble to the ground and feel someone kick my ribs. I try to scream for help but I can't. I break into fits of bloody coughs, trying to stand back up. The blonde gives me a black eye and I swing at him, getting a pretty good hit. Wow, I've never been in a fist fight before. He takes a few steps back and, like the pussy I am, I try to make a run for it. One of the two raven haired men grips my throat, cutting off my airway. Without thinking, I knee him in the crotch. His grip loosens and I feel another blow to my stomach. I fall against the wall, coughing and wheezing uncontrollably. I feel dizzy and uncoordinated as I receive several more blows and insults. Childhood, much? I fight back, but it's only me against those three buff guys. I thought they only wanted money, apparently not. When one of them pulls a knife out of his pocket and flips it open, I just completely surrender. I hope no one will miss me.
His hand swoops back to get a good angle and suddenly I see another pair of hands on him. He is pulled back and slammed into the wall, distracting the other two men. I quickly get up and grab the knife that was dropped in the action, snapping it closed and putting it it in my pocket.
"Get away from me!" I hear the familiar voice yell. Joey? Oh god, please no. I quickly pull one of the guys off of him and give him a good fist in the face, sending him stumbling. I feel so much adrenaline buzzing through me as I push and yank the guys away from from my Joey, punching them continuously and feeling numb to their hits. Right as I'm about to pull the knife out, Joey takes my hand and we make a run for it, jumping into Joey's car.

"Are you okay?" I ask, after finally catching my breath.
"Yeah. Did he get you with the knife?" Joey worriedly asks.
"No, I'm fine" I respond, "thank you so much. You just saved my life." He doesn't speak as he turns his attention back to the road. I study Joey's bruised face. I know the bruising around the bridge of his nose was caused by me but the one on his lower cheek was definitely one of the guys that attacked us. My injuries become more and more painful as the adrenaline fades. We drive for a while, in silence.

"Joey?" I decide to speak, again. "Yeah?" he asks.
"I'm sorry about earlier...well, yesterday. I really didn't mean to hit you and I..."
"I know," he interrupts me before I can apologize for acting like I didn't feel anything.
"Joey, I love you," I stupidly blurt out. Shit.
"I mean, thank you for helping me," I try to take back the pathetic words. He stops in his tracks, but thankfully we've already reached his home. His eyes find mine but I quickly look away. Why did I just say that? I must look so pathetic. I feel the tears, threatening to spill out of my eyes. I can't cry, not in front of him.

Joey's POV:

"Joey, I love you," he says. My heart flutters at those words. And just for a second I feel like all is right in the world.
"I mean, thank you for helping me," he corrects himself, causing my heart, hopes and dreams to shatter into microscopic pieces. I stop driving, right as we reach the apartment. I look over at Shane. Did he mean it? Of course, he didn't. Gosh, I'm so stupid and pathetic. I'm such a loser! Why would Shane ever love me?!
The tiny, almost nonexistent chance, that he could have meant it tugs at my heart.
"Shane, I..."


My heart almost beats out of my chest.
"Joey?.. Joey, are you okay?" Shane's voice pulls me from my trance. When I finally zone back into the world, I find myself shaking.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I say, trying to recover from the frightening zone out.

I wonder why he hasn't asked how I found him. He probably already figured it out. Lisa called me saying he still wasn't home after way past midnight. After looking for him for two hours straight, worried out of my mind, I saw his car. I knew it had to be his car in the empty parking lot. I still don't know where he was coming from or why he was in that parking lot but I'm glad I saw his car. I stopped and found him being beaten by a bunch of guys. Thank god, I got there in time or... I don't want to think about that.
"Oh, uhh.. We should probably go inside," I say, after realizing we've just been sitting here. I rub the back of my neck, trying to ease the soreness coming from that region.
"Umm, I'm pretty sure Sawyer would bust a cap in my ass if I even took a step in there," Shane says in a light tone that doesn't match his facial expression.
"He was actually worried sick about you. When Lisa..." I don't finish. I hate even saying her name. Stop it, Joey. Lisa is your friend. At least she would be, if she didn't own the heart of the man you love to death. I can honestly say that I would have taken that knife stab, as long as he didn't get hurt.
"Oh," is all Shane says, not pushing me to explain further. I get out of the car and walk over to the passenger's side to help Shane out. He must be in such pain.
"Here, put your arm around me," I instruct him. He puts his arm over my shoulders and I catch a familiar scent. Memories flood through me, and not good ones. I pull away from him.
"Oh my god, Shane. Were you drinking?" I ask, in shock, "Please tell me you weren't drinking. Please tell me one of those guys just spilled something on you. Oh my god, that's why you were in that parking lot. That's where those guys found you. It all makes sense now." I feel a warm tear stream down my cheek. Alcohol is such a sensitive matter to not only me, but Shane as well. How could he go out drinking when he knows exactly what it can do to you? He knows by experience how much damage it can do to yourself and to those who love you.

Shane's POV:

"Joey it was just a few drinks," I lie. I didn't want to hurt him. I know how sensitive he is about this considering his mom...
"Stop it! I know you're lying to me, Shane. I can see it in your eyes. All the guilt is right there behind those blue eyes of yours!" he calls me out with tears rolling down his cheeks. His eyes are glossy and shimmering in the darkness. The stars reflect perfectly off of the green shine and I find myself in a state of trance, admiring his beauty.
"You're still drunk! You said you freaking loved me! And you know what? I'm not even gonna lie, I actually believed it for a second. But now I know it was just the alcohol speaking!" he finishes ranting.
"But, Joey.. I do love you!" I yell, not caring if I wake up the whole street. Joey bites his lip to keep from crying and when it slips from between his teeth it has a wet sparkle, making me crave his lips.
"No, Shane. You don't-" he begins to say but I interrupt him by crashing my lips against his. He has to know that I love him. Maybe it is the alcohol speaking? No.
Within two seconds he pushes me off of himself.
"Don't you dare touch me!" he shouts, backing away from me.
"Joey, please.." I try, "Just kiss me."
"Get away from me, you drunk!" he exclaims, using his arms as a shield. I can't take this, I can't take his rejection. "Baby..." I coo, feeling the tears run down my cheeks. Am I drunk?
"Don't." he stops me, "Were you drunk when you.."
His sentence hangs unfinished in the air. His shy and flustered attitude lets me know exactly what he wanted to say.
"No, Joey. I wasn't drunk then and I'm not drunk now," I say in my most confident voice, although I'm not feeling that way. He turns away from me and anxiously runs his hands through his messy hair.
After taking a few deep breaths and wiping the tears from his face, Joey silently gets in his car. I follow him and get in as well.
"Jo-" I begin to say before he interrupts me,
"Don't. I'm taking you to your car."

I don't speak for fear of pissing Joey off even more as he drives me to the parking lot where I got attacked. When we arrive he stops directly in front of my car and still doesn't say anything. He won't even look at me, for God's sake.
"Bye, Joey."
He closes his eyes in what I interpret as exasperation. I unbuckle my seatbelt, lean over and give Joey a soft kiss on the cheek. I don't want to have any regrets tonight and not kissing Joey goodnight would be one huge regret. I resist attacking his lips and quickly leave the car. I'm surprised the guys that attacked me didn't break my car windows or anything. By the time I get my own car starting Joey's is nowhere to be found. I cry my eyes out, before I reach my apartment so that I don't break down in front of Lisa.

When I step inside the door, a frantic looking Lisa jumps from the couch. Corny falls from her lap and whimpers, parading around my feet.
"Oh my god, Shane. Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling you and texting you nonstop! It's like 4 in the morning!" she yells.

Question of the day: How long should these chapters be? (The last few were about 2500 to 3000 words long, this ones almost 2000.)

Thank you so much for reading!
Leave me a comment, I'm very lonely. :)

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