Chapter 26

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Joey's POV:

Shane hasn't texted me in hours and I'm beginning to worry. I'm probably just overreacting like I always do. He'll come around eventually. Something seemed off when he left, it all started with that text message he received. I wonder what he's doing and who he's with. Maybe he fell asleep.
I've spent all this free time recording new videos for my gaming channel, since I've been lacking in vlogs. I've also tweeted plenty of my Psychopaths and even DMed a few.
Maybe I should text Shane or call him. I don't want to be that clingy boyfriend that calls every five minutes but I'm really starting to worry.
The sun is almost down and he hasn't so much as acknowledged his own boyfriend's existence. Is that not something I should be worried about?
Memories of spending hours waiting on Preston to return my calls and reply to my texts flood through my mind. Shane is nothing like Preston. Shane loves me, unlike Preston.
Should I wait it out? I feel uneasy about this. I'll just text him. Maybe he's podcasting or in the middle of filming a video.
I type up a nonchalant message to send him but end up reading it over a million times to make sure I don't sound too desperate.

Joey: miss u lots 💕

I impatiently wait for his reply, but it never comes. I guess I could try calling him, just to soothe my nerves.
I press 'call' nervously. What if something is wrong?
No answer.
I call again. No answer.
Okay, something's definitely up. Shane wouldn't leave me hanging like that. But then again, that's what I thought of Preston.

"Where's your boyfriend?," Sawyer asks when I step into our living room. Shoot.
"I- umm... he's uhh-," I stutter. I was never the best liar.
"You don't know, do you? Hmm. I have a feeling he's not where you think he is," Sawyer says, confusing me to the maximum.
"He's at his hotel," I fake my confidence.
"Mhmm. Is he, now?," Sawyer sarcastically asks. He's still angry about the way Shane stood up to him.
I walk away without responding and leave the apartment, pulling on a hoodie I snatched before leaving Shane's hotel. I took off the shirt of his I was wearing so I could perpetuate his scent on it. I also couldn't wear it while filming videos or it would have outed our undisclosed relationship.

I drive to Shane's hotel in search of him. What if he thinks I'm that clingy annoying boyfriend for looking for him? Am I not giving him enough space? Twelve hours sure seems like enough to me.

When I arrive, I go up to Shane's floor and knock on his door... the door he pinned me against last night.
I wait a couple of minutes before knocking again and finally giving up. Where is he?
I doubt he would be podcasting at this hour and there's only one other place I could think of.

I try to remain calm while driving to Lisa's place. There could be plenty of explanations to his unanswered phone calls and text messages, right?

I park my car right up front and take a few minutes to collect my jumbled thoughts. If he's not here then I don't know where the hell he could be, and that really worries me.
Finally, I step out of my car and walk to the door. What if only Lisa is here? What would I say to her?
I knock lightly on the door. No answer.
I know where Shane keeps a spare key, but I don't want to just let myself in.

After debating for a while on whether or not to intrude, I grab the key from under a small flower pot and open the door as quietly as possible. I let myself in and quietly close the door behind me. Only two steps into Lisa's living room and I spot them.

Shane's POV:

"Oh my god," a familiar voice says, waking me from my deep slumber.
I open my eyes to find myself lying down on the couch I used to share with Lisa, completely undressed under a blanket. Lisa's arms are wrapped around me but her eyes flutter open immediately.
What the fuck?
I look over to the source of my consciousness and find a very frantic Joey. Oh no. Oh fuck no. My heart stops, realizing what this must look like to him. All the blood has drained from his face in horror.
How long have I been sleeping?
My head hurts and I don't feel completely coordinated. I'm sleepy and disoriented.
Joey's hands fly up to cover his mouth which is wide open in shock and terror.
"Oh my- no, Joey. It's not at all what it looks like," I try to explain. I don't even know what I'm explaining. What the fuck? How did I get here? How did this happen? Did I sleep with Lisa?
Tears stream down his handsome face.
I quickly get up, covering myself with the blanket, and almost making Lisa fall in the process. She's wearing her undergarments which is a relief.
"I swear to fucking God, Joey. I didn't-"
"How could you, Shane?! I fucking trusted you!," my weeping boy cries out, running away from me.
"Joey, please!"
He slams the door behind him.
No. No, no, no. I did not just watch my Joey leave me. I did not just lose the only person I actually, genuinely care about in this entire world.
I stumble to put my clothes on, which is scattered around the floor, joined by an assortment of Lisa's clothes. She looks at me with a panicked face. I don't have time to deal with her, as I run out after Joey.
He can't leave me. I need him. I love him.
By the time I reach him, he is already pulling out of the parking and driving away. I quickly get into my car and drive after him. There's only one place he would go. To him and fucking Sawyer's apartment.
I can't breathe. What the fuck just happened? Did I just cheat on him? Did I hook up with Lisa? Why would I do that? I wouldn't do that. Not to him. Not to my Joey.
I don't know whether I should be angry at Lisa or apologize to her. Did I come on her? It just doesn't seem logical.
What the hell am I gonna tell Joey? I can't deny it, he just saw it. But what am I even denying?

Question of the day: Do you ship Shaniel (Shane and Daniel Preda) or Shicky (Shane and Ricky Dillon)?

Sorry for not updating in so long. I've been so damn busy. Thanks for not forgetting about this book, though! Thanks for reading in general. <3

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