Chapter 9

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Shane's POV:

A few embarrassing discussions about my sex life later, we hear a knock on the door. Trish and I both look at each other in panic. We hadn't thought up this far. I run up to her and whisper in her ear,
"Just bring him inside and when he's in here I'll come out." She stops herself from giggling at my choice of wording. I'll come out eventually.
"The condoms are in that cute little box on this table," she whispers to me. I quickly go into her bedroom and close the door, trying to listen to everything. Why the hell does she have a fancy box of condoms in her living room?

Joey's POV:

"Hey, Joey!" the door opens and Trisha greets me, pulling me in for a tight hug. I blush and try not to stare at her large, exposed breasts. I'm not sexually attracted her, they're just hard to miss.
"Hey, Trisha," I greet her. "Come, come inside!" she leads me. Why is she talking so loud?
"Do you want something to drink or anything?" she asks, politely.
"No, I think I'm good," I decline.
"Have a seat, Joey!" she tells me. I smile at her over enthusiasm. She's so jumpy and preppy.
"Are you okay?" I laugh.
"Yeah. I'm SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE JOEY!" she practically yells.
"Why are you yelling?" I say in between laughs.
My laughing is interrupted by the sound of a door opening. I direct my attention to where the noise came from.
Shane?! Wow, I knew something was up. What perfect timing it is that Shane's best friend calls me up to hang out, right when our friendship is conflicted! He walks out looking like a scared puppy with his tail between his legs. His eyes flicker between my eyes and the floor below my feet.
"Joey, we have to talk," Shane demands. I look over at Trisha, glaring at her guilty 'I'm sorry' look. I sigh. Maybe if I pretend like I don't care, I'll stop caring about him.
"Okay," I say, surprising him and Trisha.
"Okay? You're not gonna try to run away?" Shane asks me.
"Nope. So go ahead, talk," I demand with an edge to my tone. I stand up and cross my arms, waiting for him to speak. He looks over at Trisha, she immediately gets the message and excuses herself before exiting.
"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for setting this up. I'm sorry for drinking so much. I'm sorry for trying to force myself on you. I'm sorry for hitting you. And I'm sorry for being a douche.
I'm sorry for everything and anything I could possibly be sorry for," he rambles. I don't know if I'm ready to forgive him. Who am I kidding? I love him!
I stay silent, looking down at my feet. "I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up, but please.." his voice cracks. He sighs after a few more minutes of my silence. "Joey. Do you remember when we were in your car, Satsuki, and I said that I loved you?" Shane asks me. I look up at him.
"I didn't think you'd remember that, since you were wasted," I fire at him.
"I might have been drunk but I remember it very clearly and I fucking meant it. It wasn't the alcohol speaking, it was me," he tells me. His words tug at my heart. Should I believe him?
"How do I know you're not drunk right now?" I say. He's clearly not but I can't allow myself to get my hopes up and believe his lies.
"You know I'm not," he says, slightly more confidently. I don't say anything. Instead, I look away.
"Joey, look at me. Please," he says while stepping closer to me. Shane's hands take my cheeks and he gently turns me to look at him. My arms uncross and fall to my sides.
"I love you," he says. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Oh my goodness gracianious, did he really just say that?

"Kiss me," I tell him. His eyes immediately light up. If I taste any booze, I'm out of here. Shane smiles before innocently pressing his lips to mine. My eyes close and I try to forget what his lips tasted like the last time we kissed, or the last time he drunkenly tried to kiss me. This time there's no alcohol, just passion. I know we've only kissed a few times but I miss this. I can't help how much his lips alone turn me on.
I pull away for a second,
"I love you, Shane."
He smiles his big, bright, Shane smile and kisses me again.
One of his hands leaves my face and trails down, oh so slowly, causing my pants to tighten around my pelvic area. His hand lingers at my stomach then slides down to my waistband, teasing me. He finally reaches my crotch and gropes me through my pants, causing me to gasp. His tongue enters my mouth, forcefully. I reach my hands up to the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. My tongue explores his mouth and I feel the sparks that I love so much.
Shane's fingers hook around the belt loops of my pants, pulling me closer to him. He grinds his erection against mine, moaning and causing the same reaction from me. I feel his fingers tightly squeezing my hips. My hands go down to the hem of his shirt and I lift it up, hoping he won't try to stop me this time. My heart flutters when he doesn't hesitate, and I help him remove my own. He shouldn't be ashamed of his body, he's gorgeous.
His lips attack my neck while his hands run up and down my sides. I moan loudly when he finds my sweet spot. I feel him smile against my skin before beginning to suck. He bites down softly, most likely leaving a mark. My body is filled with lust. I want him so badly. I need him, now.
"Fuck me," I moan, involuntarily. What has gotten into me? Well, at least I know what I want to get into me.
"Oh, babe. Say that again," Shane says. His voice is so hot when he's turned on.
"I want you to fuck me, Shane," I say lustfully.
He pushes me onto the couch and hovers over me, kissing me while tugging down my jeans. When he finally gets them off, he rubs my firmness over my boxers. I moan at the pleasure.
"Take your pants off," I demand.
"Will do," he responds with a wink. He quickly gets off of me and pulls his pants off. I stare at the huge bulge in his boxers. I bite my lip as he joins me on the couch again. I kiss his neck and he moans, pushing his crotch to meet mine. I mark my territory with hickeys. Shane's lips find mine, kissing me passionately before trapping my bottom lip between his teeth. I take this distraction as an opportunity to quickly slip his boxers off. I want him inside of me. I wrap my fingers around him and pump, up and down. Shane's eyes close and he moans my name in the sexiest way. He's so sexy.
He uses one arm to hold himself up and let's the other travel down my body. It lingers at my waistband, slipping in to teasingly rub me, until he finally yanks my boxers off, exposing my erection. He stares at my wood lustfully and strokes me, before removing my hand from him and rubbing his bare self against me. His bare hips thrust against mine and he nibbles on my collar bone.
"Mmm, Shane," I moan.
I feel one of his hands at my entrance. He slips two fingers into me. I whine at the uncomfortable feeling. It will all be worth it soon. His fingers move in a scissoring motion, loosening me up.
"Are you sure you want to do this, babe?" Shane questions me with concern. I wince at the loss of his fingers, nodding at his question.
"Joey, I need you to be really sure you want to do this. I don't want to take advantage of you," he says, not pleased with my short response. He studies my face for any signs of displeasure.
"I want you in me," I say in a low voice. Shane bites his lip and sits up, reaching towards a small table next to the couch. He opens a decorative box and takes out a condom. What in the world? I stop myself from asking a million questions and ruining the mood. I snatch the condom out of his hand and rip it open with my teeth, careful not to break it.
"Eager?" Shane asks me with a smile as I begin to slide the lubricated condom onto him.
"Umm, Shane. I think it's too small," I tell him. The polyurethane looks too tight on him and won't slide all the way down, even with the lubrication. It's stretched to its thinnest and looks on the verge of breaking. Shane blushes but doesn't look surprised. Only an idiot wouldn't assume this would happen, based on his size.
"I guess it'll have to do," I say, breaking him from his embarrassment and pulling him down to kiss me. I'm not letting him stop now. He moans into my mouth and positions himself to fuck me. Strangely, I find it really sexy that we're having sex on someone else's couch.
His tip enters me. I should have asked him if he was okay with this, considering he was saving himself for marriage.
He slowly pushes more and more of himself into me, being very gentle for my sake. His moans are intoxicating. I tightly shut my eyes, trying not to think about the pain.
"Fuck, you're so tight. Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Shane asks me before taking his lip between his teeth. I can tell he's holding back. His hips rock slowly, back and forth. I grip onto his biceps and squeeze tightly.
"It... it feels good," I manage to say. With every small thrust, the pain decreases and is replaced by pleasure. My low whines turn into moans and I suddenly want more.
"F-faster, Shane," I beg.
"Oh, Joey. You feel so good.. So tight.." he praises, quickening his pace.
I love having him inside of me. I love being connected to him in the most intimate way possible. I feel him going deeper inside of me. My nails rake Shane's back then go back to gripping his biceps.
"Uhhh, Shane!" I moan, "It feels so good." I never thought I'd actually be moaning those words.
"Oh.. Oh fuck, Joey. Say my name again," he tells me. I yell his name as he jams himself deep into me, hitting my prostate. I move my hips along with his thrusts, creating perfect chemistry. My fingers tangle in his hair as I get closer and closer to my climax.
Our pace quickens and our movements become sloppier.
"I.. I'm gonna..." Shane says, in between moans.
"Do it in me," I tell him. This is the most pleasure I've ever felt.
With one last thrust, I scream Shane's name and cum on our bare bodies. Only two seconds pass before Shane joins me and releases inside of me, while moaning my name.
Shane falls next to me on the spacious couch and brings me to lay on top of him. I try to catch my breath and steady my heartbeat.
"I love you so much, baby," he whispers into my ear. His left hand is is twirling my hair and his right arm is wrapped tightly around me.
"I love you more than anything," I say to him.
"By the way, the condom broke," he informs me in a light tone, kissing my temple. I laugh and wonder what his viewers would think if they found out that all of his small penis jokes are just a cover up for what he really has down there.
Shane begins to say something but is interrupted by the jiggling of a door knob.

Question of the day: How's life?

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