Chapter 19

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Joey's POV:

"Oh my god!," I squeal, looking away from the vile muddle being displayed on TV. I sit up and look at Shane, brushing his hair away from his face. His hair is definitely cutest without being straightened. My sleeping prince.
It's pretty early for Shane to be sleeping but I guess he's tired. I sure hope Sawyer doesn't come home anytime soon. I have to talk to him about all of this soon.
At least before Shane does.
I go brush my teeth to kill time while I let my angel sleep. When I walk back over to Shane I hear a loud buzz coming from the pocket of the sweats he's wearing. It's probably his phone vibrating, I should take it out so it won't wake him.
I gently slip my hand into his pocket and slip his iPhone out.
I don't want to be nosy and snoop into his phone so I just turn it off and set it down on the coffee table next to our empty dishes. I should clean up. I grab both plates and take them to the kitchen.
As I'm rinsing them, I hear a low buzz. Maybe I should check it. What if it's important? Should I wake him? He looks so beautiful sleeping.
I walk back over to the table and pick his phone up, turning it on.

"Lisbug Missed Call"
Lisbug: Shane we need to talk
Lisbug: Come home

Ugh, Lisa Schwartz.
Maybe I should text her back and pretend to be Shane, just to get her off his back. I'll be nice... unless she tries to steal my Shane. He doesn't have a lock on his phone anyway.

Shane: I'm sorry, Lisa. I found someone else.
Lisbug: Stop trying to convince yourself that you're over me. I know you still love me, Shane.

Oh hell no. Shane loves me and only me.

Shane: No, I don't.
Lisbug: Stop being so pretentious and come home.

Lisa calls once again and I decide to answer.

"Listen here, you bitch ass skank ass hoe. Shane doesn't love you. Do yourself a favor and move on," I angrily say into the phone, being cautious not to wake Shane.
"Joey?! What the fuck?!," Lisa yells.
"Can I hang up now?," I ask, rudely.
"Where's Shane?," she asks sternly.
"He's sleeping," I tell her.
"Tell him to come home," she says.
"This is his home," I argue. Lisa laughs, fueling my anger.
"Of course Shane would go to you. He knows exactly how naïve you are. Oh, you poor thing. Thinking Shane has feelings for you. Sorry to break it to you sweetie, but it's all for the cameras," she says. How dare she?! Ugh! He didn't say that beautiful speech to me on camera, he didn't cuddle me on camera, we didn't have sex on camera! Shane loves me off camera.
"If anything, he's probably into Trisha. He's not even gay," Lisa continues.
"You don't know that! What if he is?!," I challenge her.
"Well, I mean have you seen him around Drew? Those two have more sexual tension than Dan Howell and Phil Lester. The chemistry is undeniable... of course, if he was gay which he's not," Lisa says. How does she know exactly what to say to set me off?
"Bullshit!," I yell into the phone, not caring if I wake up Shane. I hang up and quickly delete the call history as well as the text messages. Afterwards, I gently slip Shane's phone back into his pocket.
Shane groans but doesn't wake up. I should probably wake him now, before Sawyer comes home.

"Shane," I lightly tap his shoulder. When he doesn't wake up, I kneel down next to him and kiss his cheek.
"Wake up, baby," I say into his ear.
I run my hand through his wavy hair. His eyes open and he smiles at me. I caress his cheek and kiss him. Despite what Lisa says, he's all mine. I still feel a slight sting of jealousy but he's kissing me right now, not Drew or Trisha or even her.
We break our kiss and Shane sits up.
"I guess, I should go now," Shane says, taking his phone out and looking at the time. His phone is flooded with missed call notifications. Ugh, Lisa. I hope she didn't text him saying I took his phone.
"You don't have to...," I say, not sure to what I'm implying. I just don't want him to leave. Especially now that I feel so insecure about his love for me. I know I should trust him and believe him, but those things Lisa said just really hurt. And the way he was acting when we were at Trisha's house.
Shane looks at me with confusion.
I grab his wrist and drag him to my room.
"Stay... please?," I beg.
"You don't have to ask me twice, but won't Sawyer get pissed?," Shane asks.
"He doesn't have to know. I'll just lock the door," I say.
"Alright, then it's settled," Shane smiles.
I close and lock the door.
Shane lays down on my bed while I'm pulling my sweats off. I normally sleep naked but this will have to do.
"Come here, my shirtless pants-less boy," Shane coos, holding his arms out for me. I wish he would sleep at least shirtless. I turn my light off, leaving a small lamp on my bed on.
I crawl into his arms, lay on top of him and pull the duvet over us.
"Aren't you hot?," I say in attempt to get him to take his clothes off.
"Just a little," Shane replies, not feeding into my bait.
"You should take your clothes off," I try again.
"I sleep fully dressed," he smirks at me and I frown at him.
"Oh babe, you're so cute, you know that?," Shane says to me. I peck his lips before hiding my face into his neck. I tangle my legs in his, pulling him as close to me as possible.
"I love you," I say to Shane. His hands rub my back and slide down to my bottom. He squeezes my bottom through my boxers.
"I never had my desert. Soon, baby. I love you," Shane says. Not before I have mine.
"I love you."

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