Chapter 23

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Shane's POV:

I put down my fork even though there's still a lot of food left on my plate. I'm just not that hungry.
I grab my cup and begin to take a drink but almost backwash when I feel Joey's hand moving again.
"You better fucking stop, Joseph," I warn him, not wanting the entire motherfucking restaurant to witness him jerking me off under the table. Of course, my threats only push him to go further. I need him to stop but I also can't deny how good this feels.

Joey's POV:

I grope Shane more roughly this time. I'm just loving this, having the upper hand. I rub his crotch and feel him harden under my hand. I imitate his actions from earlier and draw circles with my fingers on his crotch. Shane's bulge grows and becomes very firm, his breaths become heavy as if he's trying to control himself. His warning glares don't frighten me, even as Jennifer walks back to pour Shane some more water and ask us how we're doing.
"Can I get you anything else? More Rosette?," she asks as she approaches us.
My fingers take hold of Shane's pants button, struggling to undo them.
"Sure, why not!," I respond.
My fingers work their way around Shane's zipper and slowly unzip his pants. He doesn't have the self control to stop me.
"Anything for you, sir?," Jennifer turns to Shane.
My hand slips into Shane's pants, caressing his large erection which is now pushing out of his boxers. His eyes widen and his mouth opens but no words come out.
He shakes his head, not able to speak.
"Alrighty, I'll be right back!"
My hand slips into his boxer briefs right as she turns around.
"Oh fuck," he groans when my hand makes direct contact with his firmness.
"What was that?," the waitress asks him, turning back around. His cheeks burn fifty shades of red.
"N-nothing," he stutters with a flustered look.
Jennifer nods cluelessly and walks away.
Shane sucks in a breath through his teeth when he gets a taste of the cool air. I begin to caress him slowly, taking my sweet time.
His eyes close and his eyebrows furrow as my hand feels him up and down. He's probably thanking God for this tablecloth. Shane's bottom lip gets caught between his teeth.
"Mmmm," he moans quietly.
Fuck, he looks so hot this way.
I'm touching him like I've never been down there before. It's so unlike me to do something like this but Shane always makes my spontaneous side glow.
When Jennifer reappears to pour me some more wine, I pace myself to make sure she doesn't notice much of my arm moving. Shane tries to contain himself, but can't help his pleasured facial expressions.
"Thank you," I say before she walks off.
I increase my speed and Shane grabs a handful of the tablecloth. He grips it roughly enough to make his biceps pop under his black, long sleeve shirt. I spot blood on Shane's lip and almost laugh at how hard he's been chewing on it.
"Fu-fuuck, Joseph," he curses under his breath. His voice is shaky, adding on to his vulnerability.
"Ohhh, babe," Shane moans quite loudly, earning a few questioning glances from the quiet couples around us. Let me just tell ya, it's hard to jerk someone off unnoticeably under a table. Completely worth it though.
"Jesus, Shane. We're at a restaurant!," I mock him. He shoots me a dirty look but it's replaced by an orgasmic one when I run my thumb over his tip. Shane's mouth drops and his breath hitches.
At this point, my arm is noticeably moving very quickly, gaining a few more disgusted glares. They would do this too if they had as hot of a boyfriend as I do. Surprisingly, that word still makes me giddy. Boyfriend. Shane is my boyfriend. I love that.
Shane's hand grips the edge of the table so aggressively I'm afraid he'll break it.
"I'm gonna... fu-fucking... destroy you, Joey."
His threat only turns me on, making me wish I could just straddle him right now.
"Do it. I dare you. Destroy me."
"Oh fuck no. I'm so close, I'm about to... fuck."
Shane grabs my wrist firmly and stops my motions before I can finish him off. He tries to catch his breath.
"We're getting the fuck out of here right now. I'm going to fucking destroy you for doing this to me," Shane says in a forceful tone. Angry sex? Alright. Shane's hands go down to his pants and pull his black boxer briefs back up, over his throbbing erection. His zipper won't zip up but he manages to do the button, and his untucked shirt covers the undone zipper. Shane winces the tightness of his pants around his hard member.
"Jessica-Jennifer!," he calls the waitress, forgetting all his manners.
Still thinking about Jessica from this morning, are we? Not for long.
My hand palms him and he groans right as we spot Jennifer. He quickly swats my hand away.
"Would you like me to take that?," Jennifer rushes over.
"Yes, please."
"Can I interest you in our dessert menu?"
"No, thanks."
"Alright, I'll bring the check right out."
Jennifer's puzzled look is probably because of Shane's aggravation.
"Joseph, I swear-,"
Shane begins to warn me when I try to sneak my hand back over.
"You can't resist me," I lean in closer and whisper into his ear. Shane runs his hand down his thigh as if trying to release tension.
While waiting for Jennifer to come back with the check, Shane goes on his phone and anxiously orders an Uber.
Shane hands Jennifer his credit card and signs the check rapidly. When everything is finished, he grabs my wrist and we rush out the door, almost forgetting our jackets. Immediately, we spot our Uber and get in. The Uber driver awkwardly greets us but Shane ignores her. I, of course, respond with a simple, courteous 'hello'.
With no self control whatsoever, Shane turns to me, cups my face with his hands and kisses me passionately. When his lips first press against my own I feel the butterflies all over again, the same butterflies I felt the first time we kissed which was on camera.
His lips hungrily attack mine, easing their aching crave for my touch.
By the time we get to Shane's temporary place, my shirt is already off my body.
Shane takes the keycard out of his jacket and swipes it. The door unlocks and Shane pushes it open. I follow him and step inside, closing the door behind me. As soon as the door shuts, Shane roughly pushes me against it. My bare back hits the door and my skin tingles, heated from Shane's dominance.

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