Chapter 21

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Joey's POV:

"I have umm this thing that I have to go do. Do you want me to drop you off at your place?," Shane asks me.
"Or you could come with me?," Shane adds.
Is he just saying that or does he really want me to come? I don't want to be a bother.
"It's fine, you can just drop me off at Sawyer's."
"Are you sure?," he asks me.
Shane starts the car and begins to drive us back to the apartment complex.
"So... what's that thing you have to do?," I casually ask him.
"Well, Lauren's coming over and we're discussing some podcast ideas. We have to make some phone calls... phone meetings, you know...," Shane explains.
"Wait, you're going to Lisa's house?," I ask.
"It's my house too. I pay for everything," he says.
"But won't she be there?"
I hope she's not. She might tell Shane about our little discussion.
"She has work today, at the children's theatre," Shane informs me.
I nod. Maybe I should go with him, just in case she's there.

Shane and I get out of the car as soon as we arrive.
"You don't have to walk me up," I tell him. I don't want him to be late.
"Well, I'm going to," Shane says.
I take his hand in mine and smile at how sweet he is. He smiles back at me with that perfect smile of his. I almost trip while walking towards the elevator because I'm too busy admiring his perfection to watch where I'm walking.
"Careful, babe," Shane laughs lightly.
He presses the call button for the elevator with the hand that's not taken up by my own.
"You're so handsome," I accidentally say out loud.
Shane chuckles and turns to me.
"What?," he asks.
Instead of responding I kiss him. I unlace my hand from his so I can hold his face and bring it closer to mine. His hands rest on my hips.
"What the fuck? You've got to be fucking kidding me," I hear the familiar and exasperated voice say.
Shane and I both pull away at the same time. The elevator doors are open and there stands none else but Sawyer Hartman.
"What? I'm not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?," Shane says angrily, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend.'
"Boyfriend? What the hell?," Sawyer asks.
I notice a few people staring so I push Shane into the elevator to not cause a scene. I quickly push the button to close the door before realizing I didn't let Sawyer out. I'm really not ready for this discussion right now.
"Wow, Joey. I expected more from you," Sawyer tells me with a clearly disappointed look on his face. Why can't I just be happy?
"Sawyer, please don't start this," I beg him.
"What? It's not me! Tell your boyfriend to chill out and stop getting all defensive," Sawyer says.
"Okay, now it's my turn to ask; are you fucking kidding me? You're the one that won't let Joey be happy! Just leave us the fuck alone!," Shane almost yells.
"Uhh, excuse me, sir. I'm not the one that put Joey through so much despondency for so fucking long that we almost fucking lost him!," Sawyer yells, stepping closer to Shane.
"Maybe if I would have know. Maybe if I would have fucking known, Sawyer. I would have stopped being so miserable myself. And now that I do know, I'm set on making Joey happy for the rest of my life. I will live and breathe for him, and his happiness only," Shane fires back. I love him and that was very sweet of him to say but the problem is, I don't want him to live his life for me. I want him to live for himself and to love himself.
The elevator stops moving and the doors open, but they both completely ignore it and continue arguing.
"Yeah, totally. By fucking him then leaving him and doing all over again!," Sawyer spits.
"Bullshit! I fucking love Joey and I'm not leaving him," Shane argues. What do I do? How do I stop them? I hope this doesn't get out of hand.
"No, you're bullshit! Stop playing games, Shane. You don't even love him," Sawyer shouts.
Shane grips the material of Sawyer's black leather jacket and pulls him towards himself, clenching his fist and threatening to swing.
"No! Shane, stop. Please!," I urge him to let go of Sawyer.
Sawyer aggressively pushes Shane, causing him to slam into the elevator wall.
Shane quickly recovers and goes at Sawyer.
"Stop! Don't hurt him!," I yell at Shane.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Joey? Tell me you're not defending this douche!," Shane demands, pushing Sawyer with one arm.
"I'm the douche?! I actually care about him!," Sawyer yells.
"Yeah and you care a whole fucking lot about my ex girlfriend, don't you Hartman?!," Shane says, shocking us both. I didn't know he knew about it. I of course I knew, but it was never to be spoken of. The blood drains from Sawyer's face, making him appear a sickly pale. He looks as if he just got punched in the stomach. I know that's a line even Sawyer wouldn't dare cross. No matter how much him and Shane are fighting, Sawyer would never admit to his feelings for Lisa. He would never break the "bro code" between him and Shane.
"How fucking stupid do you think I am? I'm not an idiot, Sawyer!," Shane adds.
"Wha-what are you talking about?," Sawyer tries but fails to play it off. It's too obvious at this point and there's no way he's getting out of it.
"Don't act stupid, you know exactly what I'm talking about," Shane counters, "and I should probably beat your ass for that but I've got new priorities."
Sawyer genuinely looks scared and I'm petrified for him.
"At least I'm not in any way hurting her. You're toxic, Shane. For both her and Joey," Sawyer says after a long time. He still seems unsure and is second guessing himself but he's trying to remain confident.
"Get the fuck out," Shane yells, pushing Sawyer out of the elevator. He presses the button for the bottom floor and the doors close. Shane leans against the elevator wall, still heated from the argument. His breathing is heavy and angry, his fists are clenched and he's biting the inside of cheeks. I can see his muscles straining against the tight shirt. I'm not gonna lie, he looks really hot but I hate seeing him so angry.
I walk over towards him and wrap my arms around his waist. His tense muscles seem to relax as I kiss his cheek.
"I love you, you know that?," I tell him.
Shane wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my neck, something I often do to him.
"I love you so much, Joey. Please don't ever leave me."

Question of the day: Did you love Joey's Boyfriend Tag video as much as I did?
Happy #NationalComingOutDay !
I was gonna make a chapter on that too, but I figured I make way too many chapters of those kind and I wouldn't want to bore you. In my opinion, people shouldn't have to come out. I hope one day "coming out of the closet" isn't a thing and we can all just live peacefully in a world of equality. Btw, did you see Trevor Moran's new videos? His music video was great and his "I'm Gay" video was hilarious! Have a great day! :)

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