Chapter 49

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There is that moment you'll regret saying something, but at the same time you'll be glad you said it. What happens next is not in your hands, and that's one of the scariest moments there are, but it's a relief because you did your part. I'm glad I told Justin that, because I want him to know how I feel and what I want, but I also feel like crawling under the car and digging a hole, which I will never leave. It all depends on his response.

"Wh-we sure as hell aren't having this conversation here." He starts the car and drives away from the school's parking lot.

My fingers fidget during the whole ride and my eyes never leave Justin's angsty face. He seems to be in very deep thoughts and I'm sure the moment we come off this car he is going to be ready with his speech. I feel like I am about to get scold for saying such reckless thing. The ride feels like a two hours ride when it's actually five minutes and I actually wish for it to be longer.

We reach our houses and he parks the car, but doesn't come out just yet. I look at him nervously and then he finally comes out of the car, as he lets out a long sigh, surprising me for not saying anything. I take deep breaths, grab our backpacks and come out of the car, following him to his house. He stops walking and turns to me, startling me as I take a halt.


"Do you really want that or you're just saying that because of what Brittany said? I want you to think about that question. I don't want you to do something you'll regret and I know you don't want that too." He grabs his backpack from my hand and gets inside his house, slamming the door on my face. I stand dumbfounded in front of his door and let out a gasp.

I slowly turn around and head to my house with my head hanging low. I am surprised he thinks that I only want to give him one of the most preciouses thing that a person beholds, just because of some meaningless words some girl said. I will admit to myself that if it wasn't because of her I wouldn't even thinking about this subject any time soon, but now I did and I have come to a resolution, which is that I am ready to do it, and the person that I want it to be it with is Justin, because I love him and he loves me. It has nothing to do with her.

My hand is about to open my door but then I come to senses, so I go back to Justin's house and ring and knock the door. After knocking who knows how long the door opens. Justin doesn't even get the chance to speak or move, because I throw myself to him. I kiss him recklessly, throwing my backpack to the floor as I close the door, and after trying not to kiss me back he fails and kisses me. I grab his hand to place it on my butt and bite his lip, causing him to let out a groan.

He raises me from my feet and makes me wrap my legs around him, taking us both into his living room. We keep kissing and I tug on his shirt, wanting to take it off, but that's when he stops. He breathes heavily and puts me down on my feet. "Why are you doing this?" He breaths out.

"Justin, I want it to be you because I love you, not because of Brittany. I am upset you thought that, but it doesn't matter because I want you, I love you and I think and know you are the one I want it to be with it." I cup his face and kiss his plump lips.

"I don't want it to be like this. I want it to be special. I want to give you something special and right now, you almost ruined it. Listen, I never got it to be with someone that meant something to me, but you, you still have the chance for it to be special and I don't want you throwing it away like it was something meaningless. So, not yet. Let me prepare something, okay?" He cups my face and kisses me.

"Okay. And I am sorry, I was upset and trying to make a point." I mumble as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I liked the point you were making, though." He places one of his hands on my butt and squeezes it, causing me to jump.

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