Chapter 30

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A/N: Hey! You should know that I have got now IMessage and it's '' go talk to me there ;) and by the way I'm not 12, that's just my favorite number (6 is too), just saying.

Goal- 25 votes and 15 comments = Update

Dedication to whoever comments :)


Justin's P.O.V

I run a hand through my hair in frustration, as I have no freaking idea where she is, and look around, hoping she will appear.

I narrow my eyebrows, as I see one of our neighbors looking at me. I look up thanking god for placing her in my way and approach her. She might have seen to what direction Ashley went. Thank you God!

I get to her porch and wave at her, smiling, she narrows her eyebrows, giving me a dirty look, and I clear my throat.

"Hey," I tell her and she nods, "Is there any chance you saw Ashley, our neighbor, the one that lives in front of us?" I ask her and she smiles as I mention her name, but then glares at me. Okay.

I guess she likes her and not me. But why she doesn't like me? I have never done anything to her., I actually once even waved 'hello' at her when I saw her waving, too, but then I realized she was not waving at me. It was a bit awkward.

"Why do you want to know? You want to do a terrible joke on her?" She asks and my eyes widen. I rapidly shake my head and frown. Now I know why she doesn't like me.

I would never do such thing to her. Well, not now, before I was an idiot, now I have realized what an idiot I am, so I want to change, and I think I am starting to change, thanks to Ashley. I would never hurt her. How could I hurt the girl that I love? If I ever hurt her I will hate myself forever.

"I would never do such thing, I-I love her…" I say and her eyes widen. I can't believe that I just admitted to her that I love Ashley, even my mom doesn't know, she knows I have feelings for Ashley but not that I love her, and I just admitted it for the first time to a stranger, actually my neighbor, whose name I don't even know.

"You do? Oh, well, she took the park's direction." She awkwardly says, still shocked by my confession, I am too.

"Thank you very much!" I tell her, smiling, and she smiles back at me, an honest smile. I don't know why but it feels nice when elders smile at you, of course not in a harassing way.

I walk fast, as fast as I can in snow, and look around, praying to see her.

I get to the park and look around. I notice a weird road, made from pebbles, and decide to follow them. I stop in the middle of my tracks as I hear some giggling.

I immediately recognize it. It's Ashley, I curse under my breath and hide behind a tree, a far but nice distant from them. She moves a bit and I see him. He has prepared a picnic for her. My idea, my mom's too, is way better than his idea; it sort of includes a picnic but a better one. The picnic is not the main idea, not like his, he seems to have prepare only a picnic and that's it, well, I didn't.

She is with him, with Aaron. I glare at him as I watch them talk. I notice he is trying to make her smile and laugh, and hold the urge to walk up to him and break every single bone of his.

 Ashley takes out the best and worst out of me too, I have only now noticed it. I mean if I see Ashley with another guy I have the urge to beat the crap out of him, it drives me nuts, but then she also brings out the best, I have stopped messing with people, and when I say messing I mean bulling.

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