Chapter 2

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August 6, 2016
Atlanta, GA
1:23 PM
Onika Tanya Maraj:

I stared at Robyn as she slept peacefully in the bed, last night was beyond crazy Robyn was really going through it, I couldn't bare losing my mother the day I was released from prison, she basically wanted me to put her to sleep and I did just that, but she also had me half dead too, but she needs to get out this house and move around.

I had to go into my store and see how everything was going since I am suppose to be having more new workers coming in today to help out the store, but I don't know how to get her ass up since she could hit me again and really break my nose, I was lucky yesterday. I sighed getting up from the couch that was in the bedroom. As I'm walking out I hear her voice.

"Where the hell you going onika?" She mumbled still laying down.

"Rih I do have a job, I have to go in today," she scoffed turning on her back, she was still naked from last night.

"The hell you do, spend a day with me Nick, come on," she yawned moving the covers from her body, she walked into the bathroom and I followed close behind her.

"I can't Rih, not this early, maybe after I get off then we could hang out," she smacked her lips brushing her teeth, I scratched my head, already knowing where this was heading.

"Fuck that store nika, I want to hang out with my bestfriend,"

"Then call Melissa," I said walking away from the bathroom door, I walked down to my room and got my purse and keys and phone and walked Downstairs, as I'm about to leave, a vase was thrown right above my head instantly making me stop in my tracks. I close my eyes running my hand through my hair.

"You must fucking forgot what the hell you told me last night, didn't you?" She said from behind me.

"No Robyn I didn't forget, that's why I'm giving you space, I'm going to work so that way you can have a peaceful day to yourself to just be alone, I know you like to think out loud when your alone, so I don't why your getting upset with me for trying to give your ass some space, if you really want me to hang with you then get dressed and come to work with me," she just stared at me with those hazel eyes.

"Fine onika, just to shut yo ass up," she stomped upstairs ass naked, I sat down in the living room waiting for her. I felt my phone vibrate in my purse, I pull it out to see that Ashley was calling.

"Yes Ashley?"

"Where are you? I'm sitting here waiting for you, girl I tell you it's packed as hell in this store with men and women,"

"I'm coming Ashley, I'm just waiting on Robyn to hurry up,"

"Why the hell you bringing her?"

"Because she needs a friend here for her and she wanted to hang with me today,"

"Mhm, what's wrong with her,"

"Sip your tea Ashley, it's not your business, the only business you need to worry about is if you gone keep yo job."  I smiled to myself, she smacked her lips.

"Girl, you wrong for that...but I'll see you in a few, and hurry up it's some cute ass niggas out here too." I laughed shaking my head.

"I bet, but alright see you,"

"Bye heffa," I hang up the phone and see Rih standing in front of me, with her face scrunched up.

"What is it now Robyn?"

"That wasn't that hoe Ashley was it?"

"Yes it was Ashley, why do you ask?"

"Because I don't like you talking to her, she run her fucking gums to much, one of these days I'ma sock her in her shit," I rolled my eyes playfully.

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