Chapter 27

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December 24, 2016
Saint Michael Parrish, Barbados
7:40 AM
Robyn Rihanna Fenty:

Today I woke up with a good ass feeling in my heart, one, I'm getting the fuck out this damn Hawaiian jail, two...I'm getting my hair colored because I wanted something extreme and something that fits me. And the most important one..I get to see my baby again, I honestly don' give a fuck if I make mama Carol upset, she can't take onika away from me. I felt so dirty and I wanted to take a shower and eat something before heading back to Barbados, because I just might pass out from not eating in over a month and two days. "Fenty rise and shine." The annoying ass officer called walking up ta' da' gate. "You made bail."

"Bout time, I was tired of hearing ya' ass everyday." He fake laughed making me chuckle.

"Yea yea, your lucky your making bail or else I could put you right back in that cell for being disrespectful with a officer."

"Officer? Where ya' gun at nigga?" He looked down at his empty gun holster and sighed grabbing my arm gently. "thought so." I smirked as we walked down the hallway, we came around to the front where Maurice was seated in a chair, I was actually happy to see him. "Maurice wassup big nigga." I said snatching my toiletries from the officer.

"Ms. Fenty, you had me worried..I thought you said two and a half hours, not a month and two days." I smirked shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm good now, just ready to get a shower and get back to Barbados." He nodded his head looking up at the officer. I looked over at him and he raised his eyebrows like he was confused on to why we staring at his retarted ass.

"Nigga don't I gotta a sign something?" He chuckled shaking his head.

"No, your free to leave Fenty." I nodded my head rolling my eyes.

"Let's get the hell out of here Maurice." He chuckled nodding his head, he opened the door for me and I walked out into the hot summer breeze, I breathed in as I took in all the fresh air. Today was a good ass day.

"You ok back there ms. Fenty?" He asked holding the car door open for me, I smirked laughing to myself shaking my head.

"Yea I'm good, why you ask?"

"Well you seem to be in a very cheery mood this feeling alright?"

"I'm just happy I'm seeing the love of my life again...after a whole month of not seeing er' I just can't wait to kiss er' soft lips."

"I feel you ms. Fenty." I chuckled running my fingers through my hair. I walked up to the truck hoping in the back seat as I laid on the comfortable black leather seats, I groaned closing my eyes feeling myself about to fall asleep. "Where am I taking you ms. Fenty?"

"The hotel, I need to take a shower and Get the rest of my bags." He nodded his head starting the car up, I leaned against the window as I looked out at the beautiful palm trees and the blue ocean. I was really happy that I was getting the fuçk out of Hawaii, but I will e back with onika, this would be the perfect place for us to get away from all the shit that's happened to us, I can't wait to see my brothers most importantly, I know there going crazy right now, since I've been gone longer than I expected but it's whatever, jail doesn't scare me. I looked over at my plastic bag with all my essentials inside, I grabbed it and took my phone out turning it on. I looked up to see that we were pulling up into the parking lot of the hotel. I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my hand making me look down at all the messages I had. I smirked seeing Leandre texted right before I was sent to jail, and Asia texted me even Ashley and Travis and even August ass did. I opened Lee text first to see what she said.

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