Chapter 16

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November 3, 2016
Saint Michael Parish, Barbados
Robyn Rihanna Fenty:

I'm gonna fucking kill her, I knew that bitch was hiding something from the jump, I should've fucking known, that bitch is really about to die tonight. I drive down her street and picked my phone up, I made sure to turn off my phone because I didn't want anybody bothering me when I kill this bitch. I pulled into her driveway and shut the car off. I removed my hills and grabbed my black bag from the back, I pulled out some jogging pants and my bred 11s.

I pulled my skirt off then pulled my jogging pants on then my shoes. I grabbed my keys and jumped out skipping each step. I knocked on the door hard waiting for her to answer, "Mel open the damn doo'," I said with anger lacing my words, I was pissed as hell an I wanted her to lie to me so I can beat her ass. I heard the locks click and the door opened. She smiled opening the door wilder for me.

"Babe, Whea' ya' been?" She asked walking into her living room. I nodded my head slowly closing and locking the door.

"What I tell you about that damn word Melissa," she turned to look at me and frowned.

"What's got inta' ya'?"

"Nothing," I said staring at her, her facial expression didn't really change because she had her lip scrunched up a little.

"Ok...but look I found out some awesome shit," she said walking over to her computer. I crossed my arms over my chest walking slowly over to her.

"What'd you find?" I ask. She typed something on her computer picking up her glass, I watched her slowly trying to read her, no suspiciousness. I put my hand in my sweats pocket pulling out the note, I stuck it on the computer screen and her eyes squint. I narrowed my eyes at her when she read over the note, and that's when it clicked. She was frozen. "Wanna explain dat' Melissa?" I ask letting my hands fall from my chest, she looked at me from the corner of her eye, then looked back at the note. I seen her hand lower the glass in her hand.

She turned her head at me and looked down clearing her throat. I bit down on my lip staring at her with so much anger. "Robyn,"

"Shut the fuck up...what the fuck is that?" I said clenching my jaw, she swallowed and looked at the note putting her hands up.

"It's not what ya' tink' babe," I sighed. Looking down and Clenched my fist. I looked up at her and punched her dead in the face making her fall to the floor. She held her jaw looking up at me. I roughy grabbed her arms pushing her back against the wall.

"You know who killed my fucking mother? Huh bitch? Open your muthafucking mouth Melissa!" I shouted gripping her neck, I lifted my leg and kneed her in her side, she bended over clutching her stomach. She coughed and fell to the floor. I dropped to my knees yanking her body up. She coughed leaning over.

"Robyn please," she groaned in pain.

"Please what! Fuck you was my fucking bestfriend."

"I still am!" She yelled I scoffed punching her in her face multiple times, she screamed shielding her face from the blows to her face. I kicked her in her ass. She crawled away and made it to the kitchen.

"Get ya' ass up," I grabbed a handful of her hair making her look at me, she had blood oozing from her lip and nose.

"Robs, let me e-explain," I smirked pushing her away from me, she fell to the floor groaning in pain.

"Fuck you,"


"Who is it?" I asked walking over to her, she backed away from me holding her nose. "Who the fuck is it Melissa,"

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