Chapter Eleven

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My eyes flicker open at 4:30 in the morning to Noah licking my finger that is on his cage. My arm must have fell off the side of Justin's bed. I pick up my hand and laugh to myself. "Thanks" I whisper as I wipe the slobber off on the side of Justin's bed.

I notice Justin's arm lightly laying over my waist. I try to roll over to get comfy without waking him but fail. "You okay?" he whispers.

"Yeah" I realize that I should get up and go to Two Trees. I have a lesson at ten but I should probably get on Casper first so then I will have some time to ride Harry later. But as I snuggle up against Justin and his arms wrap around me, I decide to disregard Casper for now. There will always be time later. "Wake me up at 8:30, okay?"


I wake myself up at 8:15 to my stomach rumbling. And now that that's reminding me, I didn't eat anything last night except for a couple chips here and there. But the whole night I was too busy helping or talking to people.

I shimmy my way out of Justin's hold and change into hunter green Tailored Sportsmans and a white polo then walk into his kitchen where I look through the fridge and his cabinets. But his family is the family of cooking so there isn't any snacks just laying around. If I really want to eat, I would have to make it from scratch. But that would also require me burning his house down.

"Hey" I poke Justin. He tiredly rolls over. "Wanna make me some breakfast?" He ignores me although I know for a fact that he heard me. "Justin" I poke him again but get no answer. "Fine" I pretend like I'm going to walk out of his room but turn around at the door way. Take off. And jump on top of him.

"What are you doing!" He complains a little more awake then before. He pulls the covers over his head.

"Breakfast!" I say as I take off the covers and smush his face. "Breakfast!" I say again as I do everything as annoying as I possibly could.

"Okay, Fine!" He finally capitulates. "I'll be there in a minute." He grumbles while getting up.

I happily skip to a seat at his giant island counter and wait for him. He comes out second later, "What would you like?" He says opening the fridge.

"I don't know, I'm thinking some crimson. chartreuse. How about yellow? No, yellow and snow?"

He looks at me from the fridge and scrunches his eyebrows, "Should I be worried?"

"Nah, I just got sleep for the first time so I'm a little hyper."

"I see. So? What kind of food are you feeling?"

"You know"

He sighs, "I do"

Soon I have a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich and he has one for himself too. I bite right into it without hesitation.

"What are you doing today?" he asks.

"I have a lesson at ten. I'll leave here in about fifteen minutes so I can get there and tack."

"Your lesson's later today. Usually it's at five in the morning."

"Yeah, I guess Brandon has some stuff to do before. It was great to sleep in though. And I never take naps, I can't believe I took one yesterday. Sorry about that."

"Don't be. I'm happy that you finally got some sleep."

I take another bite of my sandwich but this time its much smaller. I almost feel full already, which is completely odd for me. I can usually eat ten of these and still be hungry for lunch. I swallow and put it down.

"Yeah, me too." I smile, "Well I got to get going." I say getting up and walking back to his room to get my phone.

"Whoa, you said fifteen minutes. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just... I feel like Brandon tests us sometimes. Like, for instance, getting to your lesson just on time or early." He's always there when I get there early. Sometimes he's even walking out his horse when I get there. "Even though Lucas has failed that every time, I would like to stay on his good side."

"Lucas? How's that jerk been?" Justin's tone gets harsh.

"Whoa!" I point my finger at him, "I can call him a jerk because of what he did to me. You don't even know what he looks like so you don't have that right." why did I just defend Lucas? I think to myself.

Justin's taken aback for a second then agrees, "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm just getting a little too protective."

"It's okay." I finally find my phone, "I really have to go. I'll see to later?"

He nods but as I'm walking past him he catches me and pulls me into a kiss.

"Please don't work yourself too hard." he whispers in my ear.

I half laugh, "Don't worry. You know I'll be fine." I give him a quick peck on his lips before rushing out. But I know, that behind me, behind the closed door, Justin is starring at the egg sandwich I only took two bites out of.

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