Chapter Thirty-One

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Liam falls to the floor when my fist makes contact with his face. The second he opened the door I took a swing at him, not even giving him a chance to even say hi.

"Okay" he says getting back up. "I deserved that." He stands up and rubs his nose, "we cool now?" He asks, "because if you're going to punch me again it minus well be now."

I chuckle, "yeah, I'm good."

I sit down on the couch, making myself comfortable. Then got serious when Liam sat down across from me.

"She said she was going to come talk to me. Why didn't she? Does she still hate me?"

I give him a second before saying, "oh, you screwed up bad." I see the confusion him his eyes, "why did you cheat on her?"

"How did you even find out about that?" He snarls and I don't answer. He gets up and paces across the living room. "Damnit!" He yells. He turns to me, "you have to help me." He pleads.

"I can't, you hurt her. Worse than I've ever seen."

He runs his hands through his hair, "what if I go to her?"

I ignore his question, "why. That's all I want to know. You told me that you really thought she was the one and would do anything to be with her. Why would you push her away like that?"

"I was drunk! I was mad at myself for doing what I did to her! And the next thing I new I woke up next to Emily!"

I check my watch, "I have to go." I say getting up.

"Come on, Lucas. Tell me what to do."

I shrug my shoulders and walk out the front door.


It was dark by the time I finally made it back to the house from the show grounds. At least for the next three days I don't have to go because it's Christmas Eve then Christmas. And I guess Brandon thought that I wouldn't be able to make it the next day but I don't care.

I walk up to the front door and immediately feel tension in the air. I walk through to hear Gina yell, "how could you!?"

"Gina, I know I messed but you have to try to understand-".

They both turn to me when I shut the door.

Liam speaks first, "If you could understand where I'm coming from-"

"I tried." Her voice cold and unforgiving. "I was going to go forgive you last night. I was. Thinking that I would work it out with you, understanding that you were drunk and didn't mean it."

"Gina" Liam pleads but she continues.

"But you cheated. I'm not even going to try to deal with that." She takes a deep breath and I suddenly feel really out of place so I walk downstairs into the den. But I could still hear her, "I think it's for the best that we break up." She says sorrowfully.

"Come on, you don't mean that. We can work this out. I know I made a mistake but I promise that it will never happen again. I promise."

"You know what sucks about promises?" Her voice harsh. "They're so easy to break. So I suggest you don't make one and leave."

I hear him walk to the door, "friends?" He asks.

She's silent for a minute, "in time."

And with that he walks out. "You can back up Lucas." She calls. I laugh and walk to stairs. "Thanks for coming in when you did, you calmed down the fight a lot."

"How long was he here before me?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I dont know, about a half an hour."

"You okay?" I was surprised she was talking again but she had to still be hurting.

"No" she simply says and grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. "Can I tell you something?" She asks. I nod. "I'm actually relieved."

"But your still upset."

And she nods, "and you know why."


"Why don't you call him?"

"Rather not." She says and walks upstairs.

I decide to not address it anymore. I didn't want to push her.

"Hey!" I call up to her five minutes later but get no answer. Maybe we should go do something? Get her out of the house. I walk upstairs to find her sleeping on her stomach in her bed.

It amazes me how she could act like she's okay, and it be so convincing, then to see her fall apart within seconds. I sigh, what can I do to fix this?

Sighing once again I turn back around to give her space but she suddenly jolts up, breathing heavily.

"What happened?" I jog over to her. "Is it that nightmare again?" I ask remembering the other night.

She regains her breath the looks up to me, almost laughing. "Just this stupid nightmare where I get hit by a car."

"What?" It suddenly clicks in my mind. "What kind of car?"

"I don't know, a red truck. But I really couldn't see that much, everything was blurry."

"Oh my god." I look at her in surprise. "You're remembering..."

"Remembering what?"

"The car crash. You were hit by a red truck."

She thinks for a second, "It can't be. That doesn't make sense, I would've remembered it before I started having nightmares." She thinks again, " yeah, I'm not even in a car when the truck hit me in the dream. So it can't be it."

"Are you sure?" I ask.



But then we were both silent, and I see her face getting more and more upset as the seconds dragged on.

Without thinking I climb on her bed and pull her towards me. "Did I ever tell you I hate hugs?" She says tiredly. I quickly go to leave right then and there, realizing my mistake. But she wraps her arm around my waist and lays her head on my chest.

"I keep rethinking the past. Even if I don't want to my mind instantly goes there whenever it's quiet." She whispers. "Is it me? Is there a bad omen include me with relationships?"

"No, it's them." I quietly say and pull her closer to me even though she was already so close.

"Thanks" she says after a while of silence. "For being the one that came through and helped me out."

"I wish I could do more." I mumble.

"You were there, that's all you had to do." She says in a faint whisper. Seconds later see her eyes fall shut and so do mine.

Please leave any comments you have. I would love to hear your feedback :)
Thanks for reading!

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