Chapter 4: This is Real Life, Not Wattpad

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It was almost two o'clock in the morning, and the party was still going on, but Zayden and I had left a long time ago.

"Thank you, Rain." Zayden said. He had been calling me "Rain" all night, and I don't think he would ever get my name right.

"You're welcome." I said as I gather my books.

"You free later?"

Those were words that I had hoped to here from him since I met him. I had wanted him to ask me those words, as in a date, but he was asking me those words so I could tutor him later.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I got practice, but I can call you after."

"Yeah, that's fine." I said as I started to walk out of his dorm.

"Rain." He called. I turned around to see what he wanted. "I need your number." He smiled. Damn, he was definitely one of God's best creations.

I grabbed his phone and quickly put my number in his phone. I was so ready to get out of his dorm room, because my heart had been beating extremely fast ever since I had gotten here. I handed his phone and walked out of his room.

I sighed. I was finally able to breathe after that long study session. I loved being his tutor, because that meant that him and I could spend some time together and get to know each other, but I was so close to the guy that I had had a crush on since forever.

I walked back to my house with a smile on my face because Zayden would be calling soon. It wasn't like I had imagined it though. I had imagined that he would call me just to see how I was doing, and have me go to sleep and wake up with a smile with his sweet good night and good morning texts.


"No thank you, I have to tutor Zayden tonight." I replied to Aaliyah.

"Again? Last night was the first night that you've ever been to a college party. Please come with me to this one?"

"Do you ever get tired of partying?" I answered with a question.


"You know, partying isn't going to get you anywhere. Once college is over, what are you going to do then? Partying isn't going to get you a degree."

"Okay, Rain, I asked one question, not ask you to lecture me."

"I'm just saying. And that's not my name."

"Anyway, how's things going with Zayden?" She asked.

I scrunched up my face,"You say it is if Zayden and I are dating, I'm just tutoring him."

"Oh, shut up, you two are going to be together and we're going to go on double dates."

I gave her a stale face, "This is real life, not one of those things you read on Wattpad."

"Ugh, Rain, why don't you just confess your undying love for him, then he'll feel the same way and you'll fall in love, get married, and have lots of kids."

In Aaliyah's mind, everything was like a movie. She thought every relationship was going to be the perfect love story. 

"First of all, 'Rain' is not my name, it's Raelyn. Second, I don't have an 'undying love' for Zayden, I have simple crush that I will quickly get over. And third, this isn't a fairy tale, so we're not falling in love, we're not getting married, and we're not having kids. You and Hakeem may have the perfect relationship, but I know for a fact that that's not happening to Zayden and I, so please get the idea of us out of your mind."

"Just wait. And when you finally confess you love for Zayden and y'all become official, I want an apology."

"Yeah, whatever, let's just do this homework." 

Fifteen minutes into Aaliyah and I doing homework, my phone rang. I didn't know who would be calling, because I don't really talk to a lot of people. I looked at the caller I.D. and it was a number that wasn't saved in my phone, but I answered anyway.


"Rain, this you?"

I sighed. It was none other than Zayden Coleman. "My name is Raelyn." 

Aaliyah instantly knew who I was talking to and signaled for me to put the phone on speaker and I did.

"Oh, sorry. Anyway, I just got out of practice, you think you can come through in about 20 minutes?"

In my peripheral vision, I could see Aaliyah nodding her head vigorously, in hopes that I would say yes.


"Alright, I'll see you later then." He hung up.

The moment he hung up, Aaliyah squealed. "Oh my God. My best friend is not going to be single anymore. You're going to go over there, thinking that it's going to be a regular study session, but then there will be some type of spark, and you will look into his eyes and slowly kiss, then it'll be a happily ever after." 

"Liyah, you spend too much of your time on Wattpad." 

"I know." She agreed. "But that's really going to happen between you and Zayden, I feel it."

"Shut up."

"Whatever, I'll see you later." She said as she exited.

I can't believe that Aaliyah thinks that Zayden and I will actually end up together one day. Our lives are not a book, or movie, or anything like that, meaning that happily ever after's don't happen.


Is Aaliyah going to be right about Raelyn and Zayden?

Aaliyah in the multimedia.




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