Chapter 15: Draft

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I gripped Faith's hair and tightly closed my eyes as she continued to suck on me. I could feel myself about to bust and she knew that, but she continued to suck.

"Fait-Fai-" I couldn't even finish the sentence because it was so good. 

Once I bust, she swallowed it all and continued sucking. After a few more seconds, she finally stopped.

"Zayden, I know you're upset about that Rain girl, but I want you to take all that anger out on my pussy." Faith whispered in my ear. 

After Rain left, I was upset. That wasn't the first time that we had shared an intimate moment, but neither times we talked about it. I just wanted to talk to her about it, but instead, she ran. So I went to class, then practice, then over to Faith's. Rain said that she was going to call me and she has been, but if she wanted to avoid talking about this, then I was going to avoid talking about it too. It was petty and childish, but that was just how I was feeling.

"Zayden c'mon. I'm horny." Faith whined. I took off my sweatshirt, the one with Jenkins 16 on it, and threw it across the room. My pants were already off. I slid the condom on and put the tip in. Before I could even put it all in, my phone rang. It was Hakeem's ringtone.

"Shit, Faith. I gotta take this." I said. I grabbed my phone and answered. "Yeah?"

"Rae's here."


"Bro, don't be an asshole and get over here." He hung up.

I sighed and gathered my clothes. "Faith, I gotta go, I'll call you."

I left her dorm room and walked across campus to mine. I walked in and Hakeem was sitting on one side of the room while she sat on the other side talking to him.

I sat down and waited for her to pull out the books and for us to start studying, but it was just an awkward silence between the three of us. "Alright, I gotta go." Hakeem stood and left.

Rain and I just sat there, not saying anything.

"Let's get to studying." I broke the silence.

"Nope." She rejected. "So I heard that you're going to the NBA draft."

"Yeah." I nodded. Coach said that the scouts said Hakeem and I were NBA material, so we decided to enter the draft."

"You're not excited?"

"Yeah, but when I make it to the NBA, all them girls gonna start throwing themselves at me, and I'm just trying to focus on the game. I don't need all them females throwing pussy at me all the time. I guess I just need that one person."

"What? Is this Zayden Coleman saying all of this? Just a few weeks ago, you were saying that you don't want that one person to settle down and that you don't think that love is for you."

I shrugged. "A lot can change in two weeks. Let's just get to studying."

"You don't need to study, you're going to the NBA."


Short filler.




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