Chapter 7: Rides Home and Basketball Games

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"Just shoot the fucking ball!" I yelled.

I was getting annoyed by the minute. I decided to stay after practice to give myself a little practice on my free throws, but Hakeem decided to stay too, then he called Aaliyah. I didn't have a problem with Hakeem and Aaliyah's relationship, but they act as if that can't stay away from each other for 5 minutes.

Aaliyah wanted to play basketball so that her and Hakeem could have a love and basketball type of relationship, but she was acting like she was scared to shoot the fucking ball.

"Liyah, shoot the damn ball!" I yelled again. This time she actually shot the ball and missed terribly. "What the fuck was that?"

"Shutup Zayden! Everybody isn't a basketball star like you." Aaliyah replied.

"Clearly." I said as I gather my things to leave. I didn't want to be the third wheel, so I just took myself out of the situation.

As I was leaving, I spotted Rain waking home. I never see her driving, so I guess she doesn't have a car. I got in my car and drove over to where she was. "Rain, get in." I said once I put my window down.

"No thank you." She kept walking.

"Rain, you helped me, now let me help you." I kept going.

"I'd rather walk, but thanks."

"Please, get in the car."

She stopped walking and looked at me as if she was thinking about it, then got in. "So, where are you taking me?"

"Wherever you wanna go." I replied.

"Okay, well, I live just a few blocks away."

I turned the radio down as some Young Thug song blared through. "So, you don't have a car?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, I do. But I only go to school, then I go back home, and those two are within walking distance, so why waste gas?"

It stayed quiet between us for a while, until I decided to say something. "So what do you like to do?"

"Nothing really. I go to school, do homework, study, and watch basketball."

Basketball? There was no way that Rain liked basketball. Rain was not the type of girl to be a basketball lover, she looked more like a golf lover or something like that.

"You watch basketball?"

"I never miss a game."

"You ever been to a live game?"

"Once, but that was just for class. Turn right." She directed me to her house.

Since Rain is helping me, I gotta her get some tickets for her in return.

"Right here." I turned into her driveway. "Thanks, Zayden. I'll see you Monday." She said as she got out of my car and walked towards her house.

I backed out of the driveway and went back on-campus. It was only 3 o'clock, and practice for tonight's game wasn't until 5.


The clock was winding down and I was pissed as hell. We were losing by eight points. Even if I shot a three at this point we still wouldn't win.

I passed the ball to another player. His name was John and he's never missed a three. He shot the ball just as the clock hit zero and the buzzer went off. The ball went into the basket, giving us three more points, but we still lost.

Usually after the game, I would stay and listen to what coach has to say then hit the showers, but tonight I wasn't feeling it. I knew coach would be saying some shit that I didn't like, so I just went back on campus.

I got in the shower and went to bed, angry.





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