Chapter 13: Raelyn's House

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I knocked on the door to Rain's house and waited for someone to open the door. 

I didn't even want to be here right now. I could be somewhere practicing, but instead, I decided to come to Rain's house. It was only because she's so much.

"Who are you?" A tall guy answered the door. 


I was cut off by Rain coming to the door. "Stop being so nosy, Noah." She said to the guy, then turned to me. "C'mon in, Zayden." She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside her house. Her house was huge, so I knew her parents had to be rich or something.

She pulled my upstairs to her room. Her room wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting pink painted walls, stuffed animals, and all of that girly shit, but I was wrong. She had white walls, but it was mostly covered up in pictures of her, her family, her friends, and some basketball players and she had a collection of trophies on a desk in the corner. 

"Alright, this is my room. Make yourself comfortable." I sat down on her bed and took my jacket off.

"Rain, I'm sorry about the other night." I confessed.

She laid down on her bed and looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?"

"That night we were supposed to be studying, but I wasn't there, I meant to call you, but I got tied up in some things."

I actually got tied up literally that night. Faith called me that night. Her and I hadn't fucked in so long, I was a little deprived, so when she called I accepted.

"Oh!" She remembered. "It's okay, I don't even care about that. You don't have to apologize."

There was a silence between us, and it made me regret coming over here. I wasn't good with awkward silences. "So, what were you telling about reading?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." She jumped up and walked over to her closet. She opened the door, walked in, and grabbed something off a high shelf.  She came out of the closet with a big ass box and placed it on the bed next to me. "Alright, what do you like to read about? I've got all types of books in here?"


"I don't have any basketball books. You like romance novels?" She dug through the box.

"Hell no!" I exclaimed.

"You don't believe in love our something?"

"Yeah, I believe in it, I just think that it's not for everybody and I'm one of those people."

"What? So you're saying, if 'the one' walked right pass you, you wouldn't do anything?"

"There is no 'the one' because that love shit ain't for me."

She shook her head. "Wow, Zayden. One day, fucking a bunch of girls is gonna get boring and you'll just want that one person who will be there for you for the rest of your life."

"Nah." I shook my head.

"Whatever. One of these days, you gonna catch something, then you'll know to settle down." She continued to look through the box.

"Not if I wrap it up."

"What about urban fiction?" She changed the subject.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Street lit. Like guns, gangs, drugs, sex, things like that." She said. She pulled out a book. "You like K'Wan, the author."

"I guess." I didn't really know what she was talking about. 

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