Chapter 10: Lost Game

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"I always knew y'all was fucking on the low." Hakeem said to me.

"We not 'fucking on the low'."

"Yeah whatever you say, I know y'all got something going on."

I huffed. "You can't be serious for five minutes?"

He laughed, "Alright, I'm serious now."

"Okay, this is how it happened. I told Rain to come with me to the party and she when I went to pick her up, her titties was damn near falling out of her shirt." I smiled to remember that moment. "Then, I was like, 'you look nice,' but I was really looking at her titties. Then we get to the party and she sits down because you know she don't really talk to people and I went to talk to some of the basketball players. Then I seen this dude trying to get with her and she was trying to get away from him. I was with Kyla -- you know, fine Kyla. So I gave up getting into Kyla's pants to help Rain. Then, me and the dude got into this big fight. Long story short, I went to Rain's house after the fight and we kissed and we were partially naked, but it ain't went no further."

"So y'all ain't fuck?"


"And you gave up fine Kyla for Rain?"


"I always knew you was feeling Rae."

I groaned. I wasn't "feeling" Rain. It was just something that happened and it wasn't going to happen again. "Shut up, Hakeem."


"Coleman! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Coach yelled.

I was off my game today. I was tripping, falling, and missing shots. Today was not my day and coach's yelling was pissing me off.

I didn't know what was on my mind so heavily that was making my basketball skills off. This never happens to me.

As I was dribbling the ball down the court, a guy from the other team trying to block me. I tried to cross him, but I tripped over my own feet and fell, causing an eruption of laughter from the people. But before I fell to the ground, I passed the ball to Hakeem and he made the shot.

Coach benched me for the rest of the game. I was never the type to be a bench-warmer. Being on the bench was killing me right now. I studied so hard just so I can play and coach benched me. But the next game is when it really counts. Scouts from all over will be coming and that will be my chance to finally make it to the NBA.

Once the game was over, I didn't even stay to listen to coach rant because we lost. We were a good team, but we were losing more than usual this season. But the next game, when the scouts come, I'm making sure I'm on the court and that we win.


"So how did the game go?" Rain asked.

"We fuckin' lost." I mumbled.

Rain and I weren't studying tonight, we never study on game night, but she called be to see how the game went.

"What was the score?"


"Damn, y'all got y'all asses beat." She laughed.

"Man Rain, that shit ain't funny."

"It is. But the next one is when the scouts come right?"

I smiled. "Yeah, we gonna win the next one. You should come because that's gonna be a good game."

"Yeah, I might." She said.

Suddenly, Hakeem walked in and slammed the door shut behind him. "Damn, man, I'm on the phone." I ranted.

Everytime we lost a game, Hakeem would start losing his mind. I get mad when we lose too, but it is never anything compared to Hakeem. "Fuck you and whoever you talking to."

"Tell Hakeem that I said stop being a bitch." Rain laughed.

"Rain said stop being a bitch." I told Hakeem.

"Gimme the phone." He said with his hand held out. I handed it to him and I thought he was going to talk to her, but he hung up on her and tossed the phone back to me.

I laughed. "You need to chill, man. It's just a game."

Hakeem stopped whatever it was he was doing. "Just a game?" He asked. "Am I hearing you right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You never say basketball is just a game. Basketball is everything to you."

"It's more to life than just basketball." I said while calling Rain back.

Hakeem's mouth dropped. "Damn, Rae is changing you."





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