Chapter 17: Rain's Letter

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Rain gasped. "I remember when we took this picture." She said, picking up the picture frame.

I walked over to her to see what picture she was talking about. It was me and her at the last game of the season. All the players gave one of their jerseys to their girlfriends. This was before Fine Kyla and I got together, so I gave Rain my jersey.

I smiled at the picture. I was leaving tonight to go to Washington, and I was really going to miss Rain. She was over here helping me pack. Fine Kyla could have been over here helping me pack, but she says if she comes over here, she going to end up crying. Kyla thought that it was best if she didn't come to Washington with me and we maintain a long distance relationship.

"I'm gonna miss you, Rae." I said.

She sighed. "I'm gonna miss you too. And to you, my name's Rain." 

I pulled Rain into a hug. This would be this last time that I see her for a while. "You gotta call, facetime, and text me every night. And you gotta send me some tickets."

"I got you, Rain."

She and I finished packing, then we just sat down and watched t.v. until it was time for her to take me to the airport.


"I don't want you to miss your flight, but I don't want to let go." She mumbled into my chest as we hugged once again.

"Aw, goals." Some girls said to us as she walked into the airport.

I just laughed. Rain pulled away from the hug and so did I.

"Alright. Good luck in the NBA."

"Thanks. Good luck with life."

We hugged one last time before I started to walk away and into the airport.

"Coleman, wait!" Rain called. I turned around and walked back to her. She handed me an envelope. "This is for you. Please don't open it until you're in D.C. or when the plane's about to land, it doesn't matter, just don't open it now."


Rain stood on her tip-toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye." She said and got back into her car as I walked inside.


I had only been on the flight about thirty minutes, but I couldn't handle the anticipation any longer. I opened Rain's letter and read it.

Hi, Zayden. It's Rain. I don't even know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it. I've been in love with you since the first time I met you. I was your tutor, then we became friends, so I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Every  time that Hakeem and Aaliyah would make jokes about us, we would just laugh about it, but on the inside, I was wishing that we were together. Aaliyah would beg me to tell you how I really felt, but I was too afraid. I wanted to tell you, but then you got with Fine Kyla (don't think I forgot about our bet, next time I see you, pay up) and you were going to the NBA, and I didn't want to confess my love to you while you had so much going on. But now you're gone and I'm all alone in Kansas. Aaliyah wanted me to confess my love for you, and even though I haven't spoken to her since our argument, I feel like I owe her. So I, Raelyn Christine Jenkins love you, Zayden Kelly Coleman. I'm sorry if all of this caught you off-guard, but I needed to say it eventually. Congratulations and good luck in the NBA.

Love, Rain.

I didn't even know what to think. Rain was in love with me? 

Honestly, I think I was in love with her too. She was constantly on my mind, even when she was nowhere near me. I thought about her all day and dreamed about her at night. She changed me. Before I met her, it was all about basketball. Now, I actually cared about other things. I even like reading now.

She impacted my life in a way that no one has ever done before. I was in a relationship with Fine Kyla, but I didn't love her. She wasn't even giving it up. Fine Kyla didn't help me pack, Rain did. Fine Kyla didn't support me at my games, Rain did. Fine Kyla didn't even say goodbye to me, Rain did. Most importantly, Fine Kyla didn't love me, Rain did. And I loved her.





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