Chapter 8: Nexflix, but Absolutely No Chilling

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Instead of studying like we should have been, Zayden and I went out to eat. "We should really be getting back so we can study before you have to go to practice." I announced.

"Practice was cancelled." 


"So, you going to that party tonight?" He asked.

"No, are you?" 

"Yeah, probably. But why don't you ever go out?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know the answer. "I guess I'm not really a people person." 

"Come to the party with me." He demanded.

"No, I-" 

"Rain, you gotta live your life."

"I know, but I-"

"I'll pick you up at nine." He cut me off.

"Zayden, I'm not-"

"Rain, you can't spend your life not having fun, because one day you'll regret it."

He was right actually. "Alright, I'll go." I gave in.

Zayden and I continued eating our food and some girls came over and handed him two pieces of paper that was obviously their numbers. That was so disrespectful. I mean, I'm not Zayden's girlfriend, but they didn't know that, and they were just going to do that. I wasn't offended by it because Zayden and I aren't together, but it was still rude.

Zayden and I finished our food, paid, then went back to his dorm room.

"Where were y'all two?" Hakeem asked as soon as Zayden and I walked through the door. Hakeem knew about my small crush on Zayden and him and Aaliyah and been hoping that Zayden and I would get together, but that was never going to happen.

"Minding our business." Zayden answered.

"I know y'all fucking on the low." Hakeem said. 

I shook my head. I could not imagine myself getting like that with Zayden. He was the most known person at the university, so of course people who had been with him talked about him. 

"Shut up, Hakeem." I said.

Zayden and I sat down to study, but neither of us felt like opening the books.

"Let's just watch Netflix and chill." Zayden suggested.

I was confused. Did he actually want to watch Netflix and chill, or did he want to "Netflix and Chill?"

"I ain't- Not like that, I-"

"I know what you mean." 

"Oh shit! Y'all about to Netflix and Chill?!" Hakeem yelled. Hakeem was my best friend's boyfriend and I loved him like a brother, but sometimes he just makes me want to stab him.

"Man, get the fuck out." Zayden said to Hakeem. 

Hakeem left, probably to go be with Aaliyah. Zayden wrapped his arm around me, "This cool?" I nodded my head, but on the inside I was dying. "What you wanna watch?"

"I don't care."

"Why do y'all do that?" He asked.


"Every time a girl is asked something, y'all gotta say 'I don't care' or 'It don't matter'. Why y'all just don't give a real answer?"

"First of all, we don't always say that. And I don't know, I can't speak for all girls."

He just shrugged his shoulders and went to pick a movie. He clicked on some movie about basketball.

"Do you only watch basketball movies?" I asked out of curiosity. It seemed has if everything he does has to relate to basketball.

"Nah, I watch other stuff, but I just really like basketball."

"And I like basketball too, but my entire life doesn't revolve around it." I stated.

"You don't like the type to like sports." He admitted.

"So what "type" do I look like?" I asked.

"You look like the type to like reading and school work."

He was partially right, I did like reading, but not school work. "Let's just watch this movie."


I know this chapter is boring.




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