Chapter 3: Tutor Needed

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"Man, coach trippin'." I said to my best friend, Hakeem, as I shot the basketball into the net. "He told me, if I don't get me grades up, he gon' bench me."

"Man, that's bullshit. You make the majority of the points."

"Yeah, and you know we got scouts comin' soon. I need to be on the court, I'm tryna get in the NBA." I tossed the ball to him.

"Shit, me too."

"I need a tutor. You somebody with all A's?" I asked.

"Nah, I'll ask Liyah though." He said.

"Y'all make me sick." It wasn't that I was jealous of their relationship, but they be together twenty four seven.

"Zay, you need to get you a girl. "

I dropped the basketball, and just looked at Hakeem. He knew I didn't do relationships, but was too focused on going to the NBA, and I couldn't let anybody stand in my way.

I quickly changed the subject. "You going to that party tonight?"

"Hell yeah. That's going to be the best party of the year."

I went to every party there was. I didn't even want to though, I just went for my reputation. The parties was always boring as hell to me, and I would always leave in the middle of it.

"I ain't going." I said.

"Stop playing. Everybody gon' be there."

"If my tutor not gon' be there, I'm not going." I replied. I needed to find a tutor fast because if I got benched, the scouts wouldn't see me, and I'd never go to the NBA.

"Shit, you never know."

Hakeem was right about that. My tutor could be at that party. I hope it was a fine girl.


Eight hours later, I found myself at the party. I didn't want to be here, but I wanted to enjoy it while I was here. I went into the kitchen to grab me a drink.

As I was pouring my drink, someone put their ands over my eyes so I couldn't see. "Guess who?"

I didn't even have to guess who it was, I already now. "Wassup Faith."

"How'd you know it was me?" She huffed.

"You do that shit to me every damn day."

Everyone in school knew Faith and I were close. But nobody knew what was really going on between us. Faith and I fucked a few times. She was just there for me when I needed to get my release, and I was just there for her when she needed hers. There were no strings attached, no feeling, noting but sex.

"Zay, I need it right now." She whispered to me.

I swear this girl wanted to fuck me any and everywhere. "Faith, not here. I'll call you after the party." I said and walked away from her.

I went to talk with some of the guys from the team, but eventually we all went our separate ways. I didn't want to be here, so I was going to tell Hakeem that I was leaving, but then I saw him with Aaliyah, so I wasn't going to interrupt him.

I began walking back to the campus to my room. I didn't drive my car to the party because it was literally two seconds away from campus.

"Zay! Zay!" I heard Hakeem yell from behind me. I turned around to see what he wanted.


"I found a tutor for you." He stated.

"Who?" I asked.

"Raelyn Jenkins." He said. That name sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure who that was.

"Who the hell is that?"

"Rain." Aaliyah interjected.

"Oh, Rain." I remembered. "Alright, where she at?"

"She at the party." Hakeem replied.

I turned back around to go back to the party. I didn't really want to go, but I needed a tutor. Rain and I would have to start tonight, if I wanted to not be benched. I couldn't let my grades slip, it would determine my future as a NBA player.

I looked around the party everywhere for Rain, but I couldn't find her.

"Aye, you seen Rain?" I asked a guy named Ryan.


I had forgot that Rain wasn't her real name. "I mean Raelyn."

"Oh, she outside." He pointed.

I looked in the direction of where he was pointing and immediately saw Rain. I thanked Ryan and walked towards her. She looked up at me as I approached her.

"When can we start tutoring, Rain?" I asked with a smile

Rain opened her mouth to speak, but nothing was coming out of her mouth.

"You alright?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine, but my name is Raelyn or Rae, not Rain, and I can start tutoring you whenever you're ready."

"Tonight cool with you?"

"You wanna start right now?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay, let's go." She stood up and we walked away from the party together and back to my dorm room to study.


Hakeem in the multimedia.




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