Chapter 14: Sweatshirts

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Two Weeks Later

"So you like his girlfriend now?" Ryan asked.

"No, we're just really close friends now."

"Oh, I just assumed because of the shirt you're wearing."

I was wearing a white sweatshirt with Coleman and the number 12 underneath it on the back and nothing on the front.

"Just supporting a friend, Ryan." I said as I gathered my things because class was over.

"I like your shirt, Raelyn." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Faith. I scoffed. It wasn't that I didn't like her, it was just that her and Zayden are good friends and they're fucking and she thinks that he's going to stop fucking her for me, which isn't going to happen.

"Thanks." I said and walked away. I had been getting compliments about my shirt all day. Ever since that day at my house, Zayden and I had become really good friends rather than me just being his tutor. Now that we were together a lot, people thought we were a couple.

I walked across campus to Zayden and Hakeem's dorm room. I knew that's where they all were and none of us had any classes for a few hours.

I opened the door and all of them were on the floor playing Twister. To my surprise, Fine Kyla was here playing with them too. Zayden bet me fifty dollars that he could fuck her by the end of the month. I know he's gonna be paying me by the end of the month because Fine Kyla is celibate.

"Rae! I'm glad you're here. Spin the thing please?" Aaliyah asked. I picked it up off the floor, took a seat, and spun it.

"Left leg red."

"Aw fuck." I heard Hakeem mumble. I watched as he slowly tried to move his left leg to the red circle.

"Just hurry up!" I shouted. I was tired of watching him move slowly to the other side of the mat.

As soon as he made his was to the red circle, he tumbled over and landed on Fine Kyla.

"Dammit 'Keem." She growled.

"My bad, Fine Kyla."

"Y'all just shut up, I'm trying to focus." Aaliyah shouted.

"Right-"Before I could call out the next move, Hakeem pulled the mat from underneath Aaliyah and Zayden.

"If I can't win, nobody can."

Aaliyah's mouth dropped. "Hell no. I'm beating your ass!" Aaliyah gathered herself off the floor and darted towards Hakeem, but he was already out the door.

I laughed. Their relationship was so cute. Zayden and Kyla were still on the floor, but they were talking now. I was now third wheeling, so I excused myself from the room, and went down the hall where the vending machine was.

I inserted a dollar and typed in the number for Skittles and waited. "What the fuck?" I mumbled.

The machine just took my dollar. I banged on the machine and waited for it to give me my Skittles and my change. "This school makes me sick."

I walked back into Hakeem and Zayden's room and sat down. I would just buy some Skittles after I leave campus.

"Alright Zayden, I have to go and study for a test that I have in my next class." Fine Kyla stood up and left the room.

Zayden came and sat by me. "Wassup?"

I just shrugged.

"Oh shit!" Zayden yelled.


"This shit fire as fuck!" He yelled about the shirt I was wearing. He acts as if he has never seen it before. He was with me when I got it made and he made me wear it to one of his games.

"Bitch! You fucking scared me!" I pushed him and he laughed. "It wasn't even funny."

He continued to laugh at me.

I saw the two books that I had given him and grabbed them. "Are you done with these?" I asked.

While clutching his stomach and continuing to laugh at me, he nodded his head.

"Stop laughing at me."

Zayden just continued to laugh. He was laughing so hard that he started to choke. Once his laughing and coughing died down, he finally spoke. "You wasn't gonna help me? I was dying."

"No, because you were laughing at me."

He shook his head. "I got something to show you." He got up and went over to the closet. "Close your eyes." Within a few seconds, I felt Zayden walk in front of me. "Alright open them."

I opened my eyes and he was a white sweatshirt similar to the one I had one. "Okay?"

He turned the shirt onto the back. Written on it was Jenkins and the number 16 underneath it, almost identical to my sweatshirt. Zayden took off the black tee shirt that he had on and replaced it with the sweatshirt. "You don't play a sport, so I just got 16 on it because your birthday's on July 16th. Now we matching."

"Zayden, you didn't have to get this. I got mine to support you in your games and-"

"And I got mine to support you in whatever it is you do."

I laughed and hugged him.

I'm not really sure how, but that simply hug turned into a makeout session. Zayden picked me up and carried me to his bed, without breaking the kiss. He laid me down and hovered over me.

"Yeah, but you- I always knew y'all was fucking!" Hakeem yelled, causing us to break our kiss and look at both Hakeem and Aaliyah.

I quickly pushed Zayden off of me, gathered my things and left. Zayden tried to stop me, but I was already out the door.

"Rain!" I heard him yell from behind me.

"I'm sorry Zayden. I'll call you when practice is over so we can study."


Fine Kyla in the multimedia.




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