Chapter 2: Party

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"And he said, "Rain, right?" Like, how could he not know me?" I ranted to Aaliyah, my best friend.

"What did you say, Rain?" She asked with a smile.

I gave her a straight face. "Fuck you, I'm going to class."

Aaliyah laughed. "I'm just kidding, Rae. But you can't blame him for not knowing you, you don't go to any parties, you come to class, then go home and watch basketball."

"Yeah, but he should still know me." I argued just as Aaliyah's boyfriend, Hakeem, walked up. This was an everyday thing; Aaliyah and I would be talking, and Hakeem would just come and snatch her up. And since Hakeem and Zayden were best friends, Zayden was always around.

"Come to the party tonight, Rae. See you later." Aaliyah said to me as her and Hakeem walked away.

I was a sophomore, and I had never been to any college parties. In high school, I had always wanted to go to a college party, then I finally got here, and I became all about my studies.

I walked into the classroom and placed my essay on Mr. Warner's desk. The essay wasn't due until next Friday, but I wanted to get it done, you I wouldn't have to stress about it at the last minute.

I took my seat in the third row. I hated sitting in the front, and I also hated sitting in the back, so I settled for the middle.

"Wassup Rae?" The boy who usually say behind me, Ryan, said.

"Hey Ryan." I greeted. I wouldn't say that he and I were friends, but we spoke to each other almost every day.

"You coming to that party tonight?" he asked. First Aaliyah, now Ryan, I was hearing about this party tonight all week.

"Ryan, you know parties aren't really my thing." I said as just the professor came in to start the class.


"Are you dressed yet?" Aaliyah asked through my phone. Somehow she had managed to convince me to go to this party tonight. I knew she was just going to leave me there alone for Hakeem anyway.

"No, I'm not dressed yet. I've never been to a college party, I don't know what to wear."

"Just put on something cute. I'm on my way now." She hung up.

I sighed. I didn't even want to go to any party. If this was another basketball game, you could sign me up.

I went back into my closet. I had this white floral bandeau that I had yet to wear. I grabbed that and put it on.

"Rae, I been here for five whole minutes, what's taking you so long?" Aaliyah barged into my room. Five minutes isn't even that long.

"Pick out some pants for me please."

Aaliyah walked into my closet, and in a few short moments, she tossed some pants at me. It was some ripped jeans that I hadn't worn in forever. I slipped on the jeans, and my white sandals. Before we left, I checked to make sure my eyebrows and lashes were still on fleek, then said goodbye to Noah.

I got in the passenger seat of Aaliyah's car. I saw the aux cord just sitting there, you I grabbed it, plugged it into my phone, and played some Kehlani, I loved her.

"Stop messing with those boys, get you a lady." I sung along to 1st Position, my all-time favorite song by Kehlani.

"You can't sing, Rae." Aaliyah said, killing my dreams. "And we're here."

I huffed while unbuckling my seatbelt, and getting out the car. "You can't sing either. Don't think I don't be hearing you while we're on the phone." I said.

Aaliyah and I walked into the party together. I know it was only going to be a short amount of time before Hakeem came out of no where and snatched her away from me. I love their relationship, but I barely saw Aaliyah anymore.

Instead of dancing like everyone else, I found a seat outside near the pool.

Within five minutes, Hakeem was approaching Aaliyah and I. "Hey Liyah." He kissed her cheek. "Hey Rae."


Just as he and Aaliyah were about to walk off, Hakeem turned back around. "Rae, you got all A's right?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well coach said he's benching people who don't have their grades up, you think you could tutor a friend of mine?"

I didn't even have to think about it. Almost all the boys on the basketball team was cute, so I was sure he would be cute. And if I wasn't watching a game or doing work, I had nothing to do in my free time, so I wouldn't mind tutoring.


"Alright, I'm 'bout to tell him to come over here." He said as he and Aaliyah walked off.

Well this should be a great opportunity to meet a cute boy.

I was really hating this party, and I was just about to stand up and leave since it wasn't far from where I lived, but I soon saw a tall figure approach me.

"When can we start tutoring, Rain?" He smiled.

Oh shit. The best looking guy at the University of Kansas. The star basketball player. The guy I had had a crush on since the first time I laid eyes on him.

Zayden fucking Coleman.


Zayden in the multimedia




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