Chapter 9: Second Party

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"Noah, I'm going out." I called out to my brother.

"Alright." He responded.

I looked into the mirror one final time to put on my lipstick and make sure my hair was right. Tonight, I was wearing all black with black and red Nike Roshes and red lipstick. Once, I was done, I grabbed my phone.

Zayden: I'm outside.

I put my phone and some money into my pocket and I was out the door.

I got in the front seat of Zayden's car and greeted him, "Hey Zayden."

"Sup Rain. You look nice." He said. I smiled. I purposely wore clothes that was too small so that my breast would be popping out and my butt would look better.

Zayden pulled into the party and it was packed, but not as packed as the last one.

Zayden and I got out of the car, and I noticed that he was wearing all black too. We went inside and I went to sit down while he socialized with our peers.

After sitting for a while, enjoying the music, I went into the kitchen to get a drink. While I was getting my drink, I felt someone press themselves against my butt.

I turned around, hoping that it was Zayden, because if it wasn't him, I wouldn't know what to do.

Unfortunately, it wasn't him.

"Wassup ma? You new here, I ain't ever seen you before." He said. I had never seen him either.

"No." I said simply and walked away, but he followed me. As I was walking away, I saw Zayden with one arm on the wall, talking to a girl. There was no way he would be ale to come to my rescue.

"Aye, how 'bout I take you upstairs and show you a good time?" He offered. I scrunched up my face.

"Uh, I think my boyfriend's looking for me." I tried to leave but he grabbed me. I tired to pry his hands off of me, but it wasn't working. "Let go of me."

"What you're man don't know won't hurt him." He said.

"Yes it will." A deep voice said behind us. Both the strange guy and I both turned around to see who it was. Zayden Coleman. "Get off my girl, man."

"Oh, Zay, I ain't knew this was yo' girl. Man, she been tryna get with me."

I gasped. I would never get with anyone like him.

While the guy kept rambling to Zayden about me, I tried to leave the party, but I quickly turned around when I heard a loud thud.

The guy would had just tried to get me upstairs was on the floor. Zayden punched him.

Before I was able to pull Zayden away from the guy, they had already started fighting.

I tried to pull Zayden off of the guy, but he was extremely strong. Zayden was so strong, that three guys had to pull him off of the other guy.

Zayden was furious. He quickly grabbed my hand and he stormed out of the party.

"Zayden, can you slow down?" I asked, but he ignored.

He pulled out his keys and unlocked the doors. We got in and he quickly drove off.

The entire ride was quiet. When we pulled into my yard, he just unlocked the door, expecting me to just get out and not say anything.

"Zayden, you're bleeding. Come inside and let me clean you up." I said.

With some more convincing, I was about to get Zayden out of his car so I could at least get him a band-aid. I pulled Zayden into my bathroom and grabbed my first aid kit.

Zayden was still angry and it was cute. I grabbed the wipes from the first aid kit and wiped the blood off of his face. "Thank you for standing up for me."

"I just did what I had to do."

"No, that guy wouldn't leave me alone and he was going to keep pestering me until he got want he wanted. Then you came and saved me, like Superman."

He smiled a little bit. "nah, not like Superman, just like a friend."

I put the band-aid on Zayden's face. It was nothing but a small cut on his cheek. After putting the band-aid on him, I giggled a little. "You look like Nelly."

He looked into the mirror and laughed too.

Once our laughter finally subsided, there was an awkward silence.

I needed this moment to be one of those scenes. That scene where the girl helps that boy and he looks into her eyes, realizing that he's in love with her, and the share a long passionate kiss. I needed that moment.

Zayden licked his lips and that was when something came over me.

I kissed him. I couldn't help myself and I had to do it.

I thought Zayden was going to pull away in disgust and declare that we never speak of this again, but instead he kissed me back.

He backed me into my bathroom wall and the kissed heated. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his hard abs. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head.

Once the kiss was broken, we looked each other in the eyes. We both knew that we couldn't do this.

Zayden ran his hands over his face. "Shit. Raelyn, I'm-"

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, I-"

"It's cool. I should go, I'll see you tomorrow." He said before grabbing his shirt and walking out.

I continued to think about this for the rest of the night. One thing I realized is that he called me by my actual name, and not "Rain".





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