Chapter 5: Not My Type

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"Damn, I swear all you and Aaliyah do is fuckin' party? You don't ever get tired of that?" I asked Hakeem.

"Hell no."

I shook my head. I didn't have time to be partying, I had to get my grades up so I can play in the games and allow scouts to see me.

I knock at Hakeem and I's dorm room interrupted my thoughts. Hakeem walked opened the door and Rain walked in. "'Sup Rae." Hakeem greeted.

"Hi Hakeem." She walked in and came over to where I was sitting. "Hi Zayden, are you ready to start?"

Before I was able to say something to Rain, Hakeem interrupted. "You know, you to would make a cute couple."

I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it at Hakeem. "Shut up." It wasn't that I didn't find Rain attractive, it was just that she wasn't my type. She was a quiet girl who didn't attempt to make a name for herself, she only cared about her school work. I needed a girl who is outgoing, loves basketball, would come to all my games, and be there for me when I make it to the NBA.

"Man, I'm just stating facts. I'm sure y'all got something in common. Move them books out the way and talk about something other than school."

"Yeah, after we finish studying." I lied. I was sure that Rain and I had nothing in common. We are completely different. She only cared about school and I only cared about basketball.

Hakeem left and Rain and I started studying.


Once Rain left, I went to the gym to shoot some hoops.

When I threw, I missed the net completely due to my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Hakeem: So what you and Raelyn talked about?

Zayden: Who?

Hakeem: Rain

Zayden: Oh. Why you so pressed for us to be together?

Hakeem: Cuz you like her, bro.

Zayden: Nah, I like basketball. That's just my tutor, me and her will never be together.

Hakeem: You fucking liar. When y'all finally stop playing, I was 1,000 dollars.

Zayden: Whatever, man

Hakeem and Aaliyah both thought that I liked Rain. But they were both wrong, I just like being able to play basketball, and without Rain tutoring me, I can't play.

Rain wasn't ugly, she just wasn't for me.

I shot the basketball a few more times before heading back to my door to prepare for a test that I had tomorrow.

Before Rain came along, I never even opened ant of my books, but know I was actually studying.


After taking the test, the professor handed them back out so that we could see our grades. When he handed me mine, I was expecting to see a a big, fat, red F, but I didn't. This time, I saw a red C. 

"Damn, a C?" I asked myself. I wasn't sure if this was a misprint or something. I always make F's in this class, but now I'm making C's.

Once class was over, I pulled out my phone.

Zayden: Meet me at the gym?

I had to tell Rain about this.





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