[13] Tension

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Chapter 13 Tension

The tension was getting too much and I went over to my sister who had her arms crossed over her chest and was glaring at Bruce Banner. Those two need to lighten up a bit.

"You speak of control, yet you court chaos." Thor said. "It's his MO isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're....we're a time bomb." Bruce said.

"Wow. Bruce way to be optimistic." I said sarcastically as I leaned against a desk and kept one of my hands on my hip.

"You need to step away." Fury told him.

Tony laughed and put his arm around Steve, "Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?"

Steve glared at him and pushed him off, "You know damn well why! Back off!"

I rolled my eyes, "Might not want to start a fight in here." I said and gestured towards Bruce.

Tony stepped forward and came face to face with Steve before shooting me a small look, "This isn't about you darling." He turned back towards Steve, "Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me."

"Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?" Steve said.

I pretended to examine my fingernails, "Bad question Steve. He has a huge ego."

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Tony listed them off.

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. Yeah, I've seen the footage." Steve said, "The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."

"I think I would just cut the wire." Tony said.

Steve smiled, "Always a way out...You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero."

"A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!" Tony spits at Steve. Not a pretty sight.

Steve and Tony just stare at each other.

"Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds." Steve instructs.

I hear Thor start laughing and I glare at him, well aware of what will probably come next.

"You people are so petty...and tiny." Thor says laughing.

Tony steps away from Steve and they sort of look at each other warily.

Bruce decides to speak again, "Yeah this is a tee..."

"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his..." Fury starts to speak.

I scoff. Why would Bruce want to go to a cell as that was obviously where Fury wanted him. So, he couldn't hurt anyone. Well, maybe he wants to keep us all in a cage just in case. Because no one should know better than him that we are all just a little dangerous to the rest of the world.

"Where? You rented my room." Bruce says.

"The cell was just in case..." Fury says.

"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!" Bruce spoke.

The whole room went quiet for a few moments. Natasha and I looked at each other. Her eyes were wide so I knew mine must have been wider.

Bruce continued, "I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!" His eyes flicker over to Natasha and I and we both stiffen.

"You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" Bruce asks us.

My hand automatically goes down to my side to grab my gun and my other is already itching to make ice and freeze Bruce.

"Doctor Banner...put down the scepter." Steve speaks slowly.

Bruce looks down and is shocked to see he has grabbed Loki's scepter and is pointing it threateningly at us. The computer beeps and everyone looks at it.

"Got it." Tony speaks.

Bruce puts down the scepter and walks over to stand by Tony.

"Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all." Bruce says.

"Located the Tesseract?" Thor asks.

"I can get there faster." Tony says.

I roll my eyes, "I'm sure you can Stark. But let others have a chance. After all, not all of us can fly like you."

Tony smirks at me, "I bet you wish you could."

"And not all of us wish we could." I added to my previous statement before turning away from Tony.

"Look all of us..." Steve spoke.

"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it." Thor says.

Tony gets up and starts to leave but Steve stops him.

"You're not going alone!" Steve says. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You gonna stop me?" Tony asks.

"Put on the suit, let's find out." Steve says.

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Tony says.

"Stark. He's not an old man." I roll my eyes at Tony and lean against the table.

"Sure he isn't." Tony says sarcastically.

"Put on the suit." Steve says.

Bruce suddenly gasps as he's looking at the monitor, "Oh, my God!"

We basically all ignore him.

Suddenly everyone in the lab is thrown in every direction. Steve, Fury, Thor and Tony are thrown across the room while Natasha, Bruce and I fall down to the lower equipment room.

Great! If that didn't make Bruce angry I wonder what will.

So, Friday update! On time! :)

What did you think? Was it too boring??? The next chapter will be more interesting I promise you. What did you think of Tony and Anya's comments towards each other?

No sneak peak! :)



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