[14] Battle with the Hulk

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Chapter 14

I groan in pain, wondering why until I see a large piece of debris on top of the lower half of my body. I struggle to get loose but to no avail. I curse. This had to be Loki's fault. Of course he wasn't to be trusted even though he was locked up and shouldn't be able to get to any of us.

My eyes flickered over to my sister who was breathing heavily, a piece of debris fallen on her as well. We both look over at Bruce who is also breathing heavily having fallen hard. He is gripping the grated floor to maintain control but I notice that his eyes are green and his face intense. Lovely, we have an angry Bruce Banner on our hands.

Natasha suddenly speaks but I notice that it is more to herself than to either of us, "I'm okay. We're okay, right?"

Natasha suddenly notices me and gives me a small smile, "Hello Anya."

"Hello sis. Don't suppose you have a way out of here?" I ask her.

"Not as of yet. I'll work on it." Natasha says and looks back over at Bruce, "What are we going to do about him?" she hisses.

"I'm not sure. Ever seen the Hulk in action?" I ask her.

"Nope." Natasha responds.

"Me either and I'm not sure I want to." I sigh.

I look back over at Bruce who is struggling to suppress his rage but his face is slowly changing. I groan a little but not too loudly as it would be unwise to make him more upset.

Natasha pulls herself slowly free from the debris all the while talking to Bruce, "Doctor...Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me."

I watch as two SHIELD agents approach us and we frantically wave them off. They would just get hurt or worse, die. We could handle this alone. I think...

"We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never..." Natasha says.

"Your life?" Bruce asks. His voice has a change in it. It now sounds like a threat rather than bitter amusement.

An explosion rocks the carrier and he turns to look at both of us, transforming just as the lights go out.

"Bruce." Natasha pleads and looks at me before reaching out to me and grabbing my hand.

"Don't worry Tasha. We'll be fine." I say, reassuring myself and my sister while I grip her hand.

Bruce gives us one last knowing look before fully changing. We both struggle free and then stop as it had made much racket.

The Hulk, not Bruce, senses us and Natasha and I look at each other and nod before jolting up the stairs, our hands still linked.

Natasha lets go of my hand to maneuver under a turbine and crawl within the maze of pipes and I follow closely behind her, copying her movements.

The Hulk pulls them out from above the catwalk and we fall through under the catwalks before escaping. The Hulk lets out a roar of rage. Angry much!

We continue to crawl underneath the catwalk until Natasha puts a hand on my head and motions for me to stop and be quiet. We hear noises. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. The room vibrates.

Natasha pulls her gun out and slowly walks out onto the catwalk. I don't pull mine out, instead I summon ice and get ready to shoot. We both spin simultaneously and then a roar shakes us.

Natasha fires a shot into a liquid nitrogen pipe that hits the Hulk in the face. I shoot a stream of ice at him but in narrowly misses. I curse and look at my sister.

"Not your fault. Still as fast as ever." Natasha shrugs.

The Hulk smashes the pipe and we both run through the maze of corridors, hearing the sound of the Hulk from behind us. We arrive at a long corridor and the Hulk is close behind us tearing up the corridors.

I give my sister a look and she has the same expression. We both turn around to see and the Hulk slams us both into the wall. I wince in pain, a dribble of blood streaks down my face and I wipe it away with one hand. We both look up, fear and pain evident in our faces. I doubt I've been afraid like this in a long time. The Hulk raises one hand and is about to hit us, probably end our lives when something comes at him and tackles him into the next room.

Breathing hard, we both slowly get up and peer into the next room where the person, aka Thor is rolling across the floor. People from the room scatter and leave. Thor looks up at the Hulk and he stands up, waiting for Thor to make his move. But then decides to just do it himself. He swings at Thor but misses. Thor swings his hand and almost knocks the Hulk off his feet. The Hulk keeps swinging and missing which is obviously making him more angry. Finally, he brings down his arm, but Thor grabs it and wraps around it, "We are not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!"

I gasp and The Hulk lifts his arm up and sends Thor flying.

So, what do you think? Another update on time! :) 

So, what did you think of Natasha and Anya, they weren't really fighting. More like running but still...? And what do you think of an angry Bruce?  

No Sneak Peak for next chapter! Sorry :( 



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