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I hope you enjoy this book, :) xoxo

Bron x

Chapter 1

A little girl named Briana about the age of ten was on her iPod, she was chatting with a friend on msn, her name was Tia.

Briana: Hey Tia , how are you? I haven't talked to you in so long, how are you?

Tia: I'm pretty good Bri, you?

Briana: I'm alright I guess haha :)

So what's the gossip these days? Do you have a bf or anything?

Tia: Yes in the matter of fact I do, do you? :)

Briana: Really? what's his name? Nah I don't haha :)

Tia: his name is Lochie :) he's super cute and adorable hehe

Briana: That's cute! :) I bet ya he is cute haha :) anyway, I got to go! Bye! Talk soon yeah? Xx

Tia: Yeah sure! Bye! <3

She was about to log off until she saw that Lochie guys name on Tia's wall, she decided to click on it and see what he looked like.

"Wow he is cute....." She whispered to herself.

*Briana's P.O.V*

I click on the message button and I began to talk to him.

Me: hey :)

Lochie: hi do I know you?

Me: oh no I was talking to Tia, she told me you were her bf and yeah..

Lochie: oh okay haha :) what's your name?

Me: uhh it's Briana but you can call me Bri :)

Lochie: okay :) hey Bri how are you?

I blush a little because I'm talking to an incredible adorable guy.

Me: uh I'm good thanks :) you?

Lochie: alright I guess, I mean Tia keeps ignoring me :(

Me: awh that's no good, it's alright, if it helps I think you're cute :)

Lochie: that helps a little :) can I see a picture of you? :) I mean if you don't mind...

Me: yeah, sure!

I looked through my iPod to find a picture of me and I sent it to him.

Lochie: wow you're hot

Me: aha thanks :)

Lochie: no problem :)

Me: I gotta go, I'm extremely tired, I'm sorry but night :)

Lochie: it's alright cutie :) goodnight, hope you have a good sleep

Lochie: bye :)

Me: byeee :)

"Wow, he's cute, I think I like him....." I whispered to myself again and logged off and slowly drifted to sleep.

Next day

I wake up all of the sudden because of a bad dream, I turn my head to try and find my iPod, I look outside my window for a second to find out that it's still so dark.

"What?! It's 3 in the morning?" I was angry that it's so early.

I plugged my earphones in and tried to fall back asleep....

In the morning

"Ugh morning mum," I walk towards her still so tired and gave her a quick peck on the check and sat down on the chair to start eating my breakfast.

I smile when I remembered about last night with Lochie, I would say, I probably looked like a complete idiot.

"What are you smiling about?" My mum asked me.

"I was taking to my friend last night for like the first time in like 3 months as she was being funny," I quickly flashed a smile at my mum to make sure she didn't know I was lying.

My mum and dad are divorced and they're so stricked about me having a boyfriend at a young age, like Lochie's not my boyfriend but I wish....omg what am I saying?!

"Thanks mum for the pancakes! :) I better get ready for school,"

I jump off the seat and run off to my room and find my iPod to log into msn.

"Yay he's on!!" I gotta admit, I had a big smile on my little round, tan face.

Oh by the way, I have tan skin like my mum because she's Filipino I have medium long, brown, thick hair with brown, dark eyes, I'd say I'm pretty short too haha.

Me: hi :)

Lochie: hey cutie :)

Me: how are you? :)

Lochie: I'm pretty good :) Tia finally talked me which is amazing :) you?

I was jealous, if admit it, I did like Lochie, he's bright blonde hair all messy at the back and his fringe swooped to the left side with rosy red cheeks and amazing ocean blue eyes, I mean, he was gorgeous, I've never met him but I hope I do soon.

Me: oh you know, talking to you and getting ready for school :)

Lochie was typing.....

Me: oh and that's good! :)

Lochie: yeah I'm doing the same haha :) and yeah it is, I really like her hehe

We talked for about 20 minutes more, I kept flirting with him but I shouldn't of, but I mean, I liked him, I couldn't help it....

Lochie: hey I gotta go, sorry Bri, talk after school yeah? :) xx

"He sent me kisses......I'm so over whelmed....awh!" I say excitedly.

Me: yeah sure, bye :)

End of chapter 1

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