Confession after confession

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Daniel and I walked into school, hand in hand and receiving harsh gazes.

"I bet they were late because they were fucking wildy, I always knew Briana was a slutty whore." My eyes widen at what a random girl I don't know comments about me.

I turn around and slap a couple of words at her. "Excuse me?" Daniel tells me not to listen to her, but she just kept going. "You heard what I said. Ahaha, I remember when Daniel and I had sex for the first time, he's extremely good, When was it Danni? Last week?" She smirks and winks at Daniel. I turn to face Daniel, he shook his head.

"You're lying! Daniel would never hurt me like that!" I had a couple of tears escaping my eyes. I went closer to her, and whispered, " You're stupid, saying I'm a slut when I'm a virgin and you saying you fucked my boyfriend, who's the slut now?" I wink at her and walked off leaving her breathless.


"Half an hour late Briana! Detention!" Mrs Ragem spat at me handing me a detention slip, todays colour is purple paper.

Felt my phone viabrate signalling I have a message.

To Briana

From Daniel:

Got a purple detention form for being late....Mr Magetish is a faag!! Hahah xx

To Daniel

From Briana:

Haha me too babe!! xx


Its now home time, Daniel left early because he had a dentist appoiment. Or I thought. I walked around the corner seeing Daniel kiss that horrid girl From this morning.

" could you?" I whisper starting to sob.

"No its not, no! Briana, she kissed me, I, Bri, I love you!!" Daniel yells.

I walked up to this slut and dragged her to the ground by her hair stepping on her face and kicking her chest. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed and that caused a crowd to form a ovel shape around us.

"Briana, stop, pl-ease," Daniel spoke softly.

I walk towards Daniel calmly and slowly..

"I loved you." I cried, I slapped Daniel and ran as fast as I could to my house. How could he do this to me. I kept running till I ran into someone which made me cry even more.

"Whoa, are you Alright?" I hear a familiar voice.

I sat there with grazes on my legs and cried harder.

"Briana! I didn't kiss her, I promise, I love you and only you!" Daniel ran after me, he's sobbing aswell.

"Mate you better back off, It looks like you've caused enough drama for today." The familiar voice said in Daniel's face.

"Don't tell me what to do Lochie!" Daniel spat. Its Lochie, out off all people I ran into Lochie?

"Da-n-iel, just te-ll me one th-thing, did you ac-tually sle-ep with her?" I breath for air while crying.

Daniel looked to the ground and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes,"

My eyes widen. "So you lied to me?" I whisper crying even harder. I wasn't thinking straight. Lochie picked me off the ground and help me balance.

"But Bri, it meant nothing to me, she means nothing to me, please believe me."

**Daniel's p.o.v**

She won't believe me. Bri walked up to me with a smile on her face, I think she believes me, she came closer and slid my ring off her finger.

"Babe no please." I began to cry, harder each millisecond, why won't she believe me.

"why won't you believe me?" I dropped to the ground, crying.

"Because you screwed another girl and lied to her. How could you even, you discust me!" Lochie growled back at Me.

"Daniel, I loved you, I gave you everything you needed, yes, I know we wernt together last week but we practically were, you were the one I could go to if i was upset or not feeling well, I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong, I thought you wernt like all the other guys, but if this is what I get for being with you, I don't want you." I've lost her, forever, the most amazingist girl, gone From my arms. How can I be so fucking stupid!

"Bri, I do love you,"

"If you 'love' me than why did you cheat on me, lie, thinking id never find out?"

Lochie grasped her waist pulling her towards him spinning her around and places a kiss on her forhead.

He did not just do that.

I got up off the ground and speared tackled Lochie.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT!" I punched him in the face causing his nose to bleed.

"STOP DANIEL!" Her fragile voice broke as she kicks me in the balls.

"Owh," I moaned in pain.

She helps Lochie up and hugged him than held hands.

She's gone, forever.

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