truth comes out

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**Briana's p.o.v**

Lochie walked me home and stayed for a while, he had to go because he had a date with his girlfriend. My heart is aching, every little piece, yes I do love Daniel, but I'll never be able to forgive him.

I heard to knocks on my door than my mums voice. "Bri, dinner is ready, she slowly opened my door and sat on the end of my bed.

"Are you alright?" I curled into a ball and cried harder. "Bri, I know how you feel, your dad did the exact same thing to me, he except he left me for another girl, I know you loved Daniel and I thought He was different too but he's just a jerk who isn't worth your time." mum started to get teary.

"But I actually thought he loved me and cared about me," I breath in and out trying to stop crying.

"I don't know hun, but I need to do a night shift down at the pub so you can invite a friend over." Mum kissed my forhead and left my room. "Oh and Bri, I got you tickets to 1D this year, along with backstage passes,"

"What?!" I say jumping off my bed and running to my mummah. "I LOVE YOU!" I scream and fangirl.


I rang up Haylee to come over tonight with some popcorn and

I have some drinks mum brings home from work. I'm going to take her to the concert with me, I love Haylee, she always finds a way to make me happy. She has blonde long hair and amazing green eyes, like Harry's.

'Ring....ring....ring' I grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly.

"Hello, is this Briana Hudson?"

"Yes, who's talking to me?"

"Oh sorry deary, Its Daniel's mum, do you know where Daniel is? He hasn't came home yet." She sounds worried, its 6pm..He's probably having sex with that bitch.

"Uhm no sorry, we broke up today, im sorry Ma'am," I neatly say.

"Oh, what happened?"

"He'll tell you, but I'll help you find him,"

"Oh Thank you Briana,"

I hung up, I hope Daniel's alright.

I was just about to call Daniel up but he called me first.

"Oh my God Daniel where are you?"

I heard a girls voice. I put it on loud speaker.

I heard bed springs and something else.

"Uh! Yeah Daniel! Uhh Baby harder!" What. Just. Happened.

"Oh Megan, Ugh," Daniel moaned. He purposly called me, I got the home phone and called Daniel's home phone.

"Hello, ma'am its Briana, I know what your son is doing," I speak bodly.

"Briana, please call me Elouise,"

I put my phone against the home phone.

"Daniel, th-is feels so g-oo-d," 'Megan' moaned.

"I know baby, Uhh Megan,"

I took my phone away From the home phone, I smirk and feel proud of myself.

"Wha...what? Who's Megan?!" Elouise asks.

"I actually don't know, call Daniel," I hung up and felt good.


Haylee cancelled on me tonight so I decided I wanted to be alone.


I was in a good mood and decided to a youtube video. I decided I'll do the 'Salt and Ice' challenge.

I set up my laptop and got the ice and salt. I poured about a tea spoon of salt on the inside of my hand and popped on my camera.

"Hey guys, I'm in a good mood and decided to the Salt and Ice Challenge. I have the salt in my hand and all I need is ice!" I speak to the camera.

"Owh, ow!......SHIT! Man this stings like a bitch! Holy Jesus! Uh," I Groaned in pain.

"Uhhhh," I moaned, "This will leave a blis


'Ding dong' my timer went off and I let go of the ice.

"Its finally been two minutes haha! Alright, thanks for watching, follow me on twitter, it is (random) @Bri_Bear, love you all, mwah!"

Next minute I hear tapping on my window, I look down and see the one and only Lochie.

I run downstairs to open the door. "Why didn't you just knock on my front door??" I giggled and hugged him but quickly got off because he has a girlfriend.

"What why aren't you with your girlfriend?"

"I walked in to her having sex with a guy,"

Awh, he looks so upset, I can see he's been crying.

"Awh, come here Lochie," He came to me and hugged me tightly letting it all out.

"who is your girlfriend?"

"Megan Peters,"

My jaw dropped. She was the one who I hit, the one who's been sleeping with Daniel.

"What?" Lochie asked confused.

"Megan? She's sleeping with Daniel, I bashed her, wow."

"wha, what?"

"She's such a slut!" I screamed.


"I better get going," Lochie gets up off my bed and kissed me on the lips.

---Lochie's pov---

I gentally kissed her fragile lips and got up, she tugged me back down on her bed and giggled. "You're a cutie," I pulled her waist closer to me and kissed her again. I bit down on her bottom lips asking for entrance. She denied but smiled, I'm loosing my breath but its alright, Bri has never failed to make me breathless. We pulled away and she cutely giggled and blushed. She pushed her lips agaisnt mine again. I bit down on her lower lip and she still didn't seperate her lips. I grabbed her bum and squeezed It making her gasp and gentally slipped my tongue in.

I pulled away, "Bri?" I spoke softly.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I've always loved you," oh no did I just, help me.

"Why did you ignore me for 3 years?" She sounds upset.

"I thought you would of hated me for leaving you," She's crying, oh great, look what you've caused Lochie. "I thought you would of moved on and forgotten about me.

"I never, stopped thinking about you over the years,"


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