school. again.

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--Lochie's pov--

I wake up to a perfect girl in my arms with her chocolate brown eyes hidden underneath her eye lids. Her brown silky hair is everywhere, I gently pulled her hair to one side and rested my arms around her hips.

"Hmmmm," Bri turns around and groans at me.

"Goodmorning beautiful," I smiled and gave her a gentle sqeeze.

"Morning handsome," She groggily spoke and turned around to face me. She bites her bottom plumply lip and tangles our legs together.

"Did you have a good sleep Bri?" I ask tucking a strand of her hair outta her face.

"I did, I'm still a bit upset though, you?"

"Yeah, same, but I love that I woke up with you in my arms,"

"Pshht, stop, you're making me blush," She playfully winks and kisses my kneck.

--Briana's pov--

"Lochie, are you okay?" I ask him, his breathing was fastening by the second, I gently wiped a tear that escaped from his eyes. "Lochie, please don't cry, megan will regret it, She has No idea what She just lost because lochie you're amazing and sweet, any girl would be Lucky to have you," I persistantly spoke and kissed Lochie on the cheek.

"Right back at you, baby, you're so cu-"

"Man what time is it?!" I cut Lochie off trying not to be rude.

I read the clock, it read 8:56am. We have school in 4 minutes!

"Shit Lochie! We need to get up and go!!" Lucky I realised his school is next to mine. I never saw him around though.

I swung my purple and white school checkered dress with black Globe socks and my t-bars as where Lochie wore the same as yesterday, school shorts and a light orange school top.

"Bri, do you have any wax?" Lochie asks me from my room while I was in my bathroom.

"I actually might, come here," while I wait for Lochie to come hereI put mascara, eye liner and lipgloss on.

"Here, I hope its Alright," I spoke softly and handed it to him.

-Lochie's pov-

She lent me some wax for my hair as I scruffed my dirty blonde hair with it and slid it through my fringe that goes to the right. When I was little it went to the left and my hair was really pure bright blonde.

"Ready?" I ask her, she's adorable.

"Hold on let me finish my bun," She was so focused on her hair. She has a bun on top of her hair and two long curls one on the right and one on the left.

"You look beautiful," I hug her from behind wrapping my arms around her fairly skinny waist.

"Awh thanks, you do to," She winks at me and turns around.

"We better get to school," She spoke seducingly bitting her bottom lip.


"See you after school Bri," I held her in my arms and kissed her fore head.

"Okie dokie, bye Lochie," She sweetly smiles as we depart.

I walk into class, yep, great I have maths with the worst teacher, Mr Lanter. Kill me.

"Late Lochie! Detention!" Mr Lanter screams at me hystericaly making me jump.

I nod and sat down with my mate Peter and Gina, one of the annoying girls in my grade.

"Hi Lochie," She waved and winked. Ohmygod.

"Hi," I quickly turned my head so I don't have to talk to her again.

"Oh my God, see how shy he was to say Hi to you?" Hannah said giggling. "He must like you," She giggled harder.

"Shut up you idiots, he doesn't like you. Why should he? he's got a girlfriend," Peter said, I laughed until he said the girlfriend bit. I slowly shook my head and looked at my feet and had tears in my eyes Ready to come out.

"Dude, I walked in on her having sex with Daniel Pastini," I slowly spoke trying not to let the tears come out. This shouldn't matter I mean I love Bri, but it hurts to know that Megan cheated on me.

"Than who were you kissing before?" He pointed at the window where me and Bri were standing.

"Daniel's ex girlfriend,"

Peter's eyes widden. "Whoa, what?! he yells.

"Peter, shut up and work!" Mr Lanter yelled.

"What's wrong with that? I slept at her house last night, we were both upset," I spoke quietly.

"Lochie, Daniel Pastini will go after you, he'll to anything to get her back, man just be carefull," Peter patted my back softly.

-Bri's pov-

I sit down next to Danielle and explained everything. We only had Geography with Mrs Newman, she's one of the nicest teachers.

"I never expected him to be like that. Wow." Danielle scrunched her nose up.

"How's Jack?" I ask.

"Dunno, he's ignoring me," She looked at her fidgeting fingers and sniffled.

"Man what's with all the douches? I sat.

-Daniel's pov-

I was grounded, forever, mum found out I was at Megan's fucking her.

I sat at home, crying on my bed. I offically fucked my life up. That Lochie guy walked in on Megan and I, but now, he has my girl in his arms. I've lost her, I could never love again. Why did I do it. I'm so fucking stupid!

"Daniel, you're moving schools, its 30 minutes away and you will be catching a train, here are your new uniform," I walked down stairs to face her. She practically yelled at me. "You've really messed up. Poor Briana getting a call off you and all we here is moaning! After school, I'm going to invite her in and make you say fucken sorry to her!"

"Mum, I know what I've some wrong! I didn't call her? Megan probably did!" I yell. "You have no idea how much I hate myself right now! I've fucking lost her forever!" I Yell and run upstairs to my room. I love Briana. More than my mum. I just want her back.

My dark room doesn't comfort me. I remember when when me and Bri slept where I am now. I remember kissing her soft lips. I need her in my life.

-Bri's pov-

'Tzzzzt tzzzzt tzzzzt' my phone went off.

"I gotta message!!" I sqeaked.

"Hello Briana, can you please quickly pop by after school?" Elouise texted me.



alright, Harry pops up now and then but once its the concert he's in it way more so hold on xx

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