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"Jadison hate, fake fans of Jack & Jack, Carter & Maggie video, Taylor being late for M&G, Taylor throwing away fan art, Johnson drinking underage, MagCon, Nash not meeting fans at the airport, Nash just 'signing onto Digi for the money', Matt unfollowing everyone on Instagram, Taylor saying Matt was dating someone, Shawn getting hate for his fans voting for him, Maggie sucking Hayes off twice. At the age of 15, Maggie Calling the cops on Carter, Rumours of Jack & Jack breaking up, Rumours of Jack & Madison breaking up, Some not back on board for MagCon. What the fuck is wrong with this fandom now? Everyone has drama and the only one who dealt with it properly was Shawn. He ignored it and won an award. He's the only one who hasn't gotten caught up in the fame or the money. He has a successful EP, Album and singles. He's touring around the world with Taylor Swift, and his own album. Jack & Jack have their own music and shit but it feels like it's being thrown to the side because of Jadison. Have we forgotten the fact Nash and Cam made a movie together? Like this is what they have for them selves and it's only the beginning of their careers. They all need to take a step back and re evaluate their lives. Realizing what they have and not using their power against them selves."

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