"I'm talking to this girl.. She's so pretty and so funny and smart and wonderful to be around. Though I feel like she's too pretty and smart and funny and wonderful for me. People like me don't end up with people like her and I'm so afraid that she's going to realize that one of these days and leave me high and dry. Even when someone great pops into my life I still see the bad in it. I still see the worst case scenario and I don't want my past to taint my future. I still feel like it's only a matter of time before she gets bored of me or realizes that I'm nothing more than a normal person. I don't see myself as someone who's on someone's mind all day like she's on mine. I don't see myself as someone to lose sleep over with thoughts of wonder. I'm cursed with this feeling of mediocrity and I'm cursed with this feeling of inadequacy. I love who I am but god damn do I hate myself sometimes."