"Dear uncle,
I never got to ever see you but I heard about you every time I go to Pakistan my grandmother tells me a lot about you. She has your picture on the wall. It's crazy how you knew I'd pop out. I know your watching down on me and I love you. You were my dad's dearest brother and always will be. Forgive him for not making it in your last moments. He loves you very much. Please protect my father look over your brother , he is a good father towards me no matter how much I disrespect him. He loves me dearly. He is getting old and I can see his health dropping sometimes , did you know one day he collapsed at work? I dont deserve his love but I love him just as much. He's been through a lot with me , together we've been through a lot. I know your watching on us all including my grandmother and grandfather and my dad's siblings. Please watch over them and make sure they're safe. Especially watch over my grandfather he's very old and weak. "