Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


Lindy leaned against the tree trunk that set next to the still icy creek. She pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. She let the tears fall freely. How could she have been so stupid?

She had hidden how she felt about Levi for years in fear that he wouldn't feel the same way, as time went on she had even herself convinced that she felt nothing for him. But now she had let herself care she put her heart on the line only to have it shot down. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the tree, wishing she didn't have to deal with this. She wouldn't go into to town and the last thing she wanted was to see Levi or Nathan or that pretty city girl.

She had always loved living in Hope Blossoms but now she would do anything to be anywhere else.

She didn't know how long she had been at the creek, she didn't even notice when her father walked up beside her until he started to talk. He held a lantern up as it had gotten dark.

"Belinda" George said "Fergus told Ginny that you stormed off this way when you came home and she came and told your mother and I."

"Ginny and Gus forgot to mention I wanted to be alone."

"Belinda what happened in town?" He asked taking off his wool coat and putting it around her shoulders.

"I don't want to talk about it Papa." Lindy said thankful for the warmth his coat offered.

"Lindy, I love you and I know I'm not your mother, but I am a good listener" at her silence he continued "You know I've always felt guilt for not being there for the first seven years of your life. I didn't get too see you take your first steps or say your first word, I didn't get to hold you while you slept when you were a baby... getting to do all those things with your sisters and brothers made me realize just how much I missed with you."

"Papa it's alright really... I'm not mad at your for it I never have been. I just remember being happy when I found out you were my Pa... I liked you from the beginning. And now you've been in my life for nearly Seventeen years which is far longer then you were gone."

"Be it as it may. It's something I'll always feel bad about."

"I went in town to see Aivy and Mahailey... and well I saw Levi- he was with someone else."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am and I thought he liked me and well I like him... I just I don't know what to do Papa. I just I feel heart broken."

"Why don't we go home, have some coffee and talk to your Ma, we'll figure out something to make you feel better."

Lindy took her father's hand and he helped her up, and together they walked to the house. She wanted to get away from Hope Blossoms. The town no longer held any appeal to her.

When they finally got home her Mother met them at the door she pulled her into a tight hug.

"Darling I was worried! You've missed supper, why don't you go to the kitchen I've saved you a plate." She said when she pulled away she looked over towards Julie, Ginny, Joseph and Nicholas "Why don't you four go read a bedtime story too Aaron and Maggie?"

"Ma, don't you think we're a bit too old to 'Busy' why you have an important conversation?" Joseph asked raising his left eyebrow and crossing his arms.

Scarlett looked at Lindy her gray eyes sparkled "Lindy, is it alright that they talk with us? They'll most likely listen threw the door, might as well have them at the table."

Love Lindy (Letters Of Change Series Book 3)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now