Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

~~ ~~

Lindy smiled at Levi as she held up her ring finger that now had the beautiful engagement ring on it. She knew no one else would ever be as right for her as Levi. She had always loved him. Although it seemed foreign at first, but she knew she would get used to it, her heart she knew had belonged to Levi all this time.

"Why did you never tell me?" she asked looking into his blue eyes.

"I was too afraid" He said honestly "I thought you'd never feel the same, I thought if I told you it could ruin our relationship and I couldn't imagine life without you in it."

Lindy smiled up at him as she stood on her tippy-toes to kiss him.

"Levi, I'd like to stay here until summer is over as I promised my Aunt I would." She told him as he took her hand and walked her towards the others at the picnic basket social.

"I'll just wire Nate He'll be able to manage without me for two months."

"We could get married here... send for our family and our friends." Lindy suggested. The dress her aunt was helping her make could easily be her wedding dress. It was a light pink with little white flowers and white lace on it.

"I'd like that" Levi agreed "Now tell me which one id your basket?"

Lindy smiled "The one that had apple pie in it."


"I wasn't prepared so it's just apple pie." Lindy said laughing slightly.

"You can cook now?"

"Actually I can... I'm still learning but it's a start." Lindy said happily. She looked over towards her aunt December who was sitting on a blanket in the grass with three of her daughters, Daisy, Hannah and Hope. She pulled Levi towards her to tell of the good news.

"Aunt Ember, you remember Levi?"

"Yes" December said looking surprised to see him "How are you Levi?"

"I'm great Mrs. Wade, thank you for asking."

"Please just call me December."

"We're engaged!" Lindy said happily as she took a seat on the quilt next to her aunt.

December smiled "I'm happy for you both... You know Scar and I have been wondering when that would happen."

~~ ~~

The next two months flew by quickly and before Lindy knew it, it was August 4th the day of her wedding. Everyone had come to her Aunt and Uncle's house for it. Everyone that is except Nathan who was in Boston with his sister for a while, Levi said it was alright but she could tell he was disappointed.

 Lindy had Aivy as her maid of honor and Mahailey, Ariel, Julie and Ginny as her bridesmaids. Nathan had Martin has his best man and, Aivy's now husband Ervin as his groomsman.

She had been happy to hear the news that Aivy and Ervin got married but she was sad that she hadn't been there for their wedding.

"It was a very small ceremony... only Mahailey and Martin, My Uncle Ted and Aunt Lila and the pastor." Aivy had told her "But you will be there when we have our first child, and when we open 'The MacCailein Café'"

"I better be!" Lindy said with a giggle "I can cook now, so if you ever need help you just let me know!"

Mahailey had news of her own. She was expecting her first child sometime in February. She was beaming when she had told her "Marty and I decided that if it's a boy we'll name him Everett and if it's a girl we'd like to name her Melinda- it's your name with my initials- so her full name will be Melinda Rose Mason."

"Oh, Mahailey that is beautiful!" Lindy told her as she hugged her.

Everything was falling into place Lindy noticed it was as if this day was always met to be. The dress her aunt and her had been working on was now her wedding dress and her something new. She wore her white boots and gloves and her mother Scarlett gave her a blue necklace that had belonged to the first Belinda her grandmother. She had a handkerchief that her mother had given her when she was a child as her something old and her something borrowed was hair pins that belonged to her cousin Laura.

~~ ~~

Levi's breathe caught as he watched Lindy make her way towards him. She had both her father and her mother walk her down the aisle. Her red curls were pinned up but some of her curls managed to escape and frame her face. She had a smile that probably mirrored his own as she kept her eyes on him and only him.

It was what he always had dreamed of and he couldn't believe it was finally coming true. She was everything to him.  

Her blue eyes met his as her father lifted her veil. He barely heard the pastor ask who gave her away.

"Her mother and I do." George had replied shaking Levi's hand.

He turned to Lindy repeating the vows after the pastor, the vows that would bond them as man and wife forever.

"I Levi Henry Jasper, take you Belinda Grace Wade to be my lawfully wedded wife..."

She smiled brightly "I Belinda Grace Wade take you Levi Henry Jasper to be my lawfully wedded husband..."

Once they finished their vows and exchanged rings the pastor told Levi the words he had waited his whole live to hear "I know pronounce you husband and wife- Levi you may kiss your bride."

He kissed her with all the love he felt, receiving hooping and hollering from the crowd. Once they pulled away Lindy blushed slightly as her smile lit up her face.

They made their way to the dance that Lindy's aunt had planned for after the ceremony.

"I cannot believe we're married!" Lindy whispered happily "I thought I'd grow old to be a spinster waiting on you."

Levi laughed at that. He was happy to know she had always felt the same way about him that he had about her. "I'm sorry my darling for making you wait, but I promise that I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

"Good, now come on let's go dance Mr. Jasper."

"Anything for you Mrs. Jasper" Levi replied kissing her before leading her towards the others.

Lindy looked towards her cousin- Abbie, who danced with her beau- Michael.

"Her parent's said she could continue courting Michael just as long as she spent time with her family too." Lindy whispered.

"Will their wedding be next?" he questioned.

"Perhaps" Lindy said smiling "Or Ginny's wedding will be next" she said with a giggle.

Levi laughed, he was well aware that Lindy's sister Ginny and the ranch hand had a budding romance; it seemed everyone was aware to it.

"I love you Lindy."

"I love you too Levi." Lindy said looking right into his eyes. Levi lowered his lips to hers and kissed her again.


Author's note!

Sorry for such a short chapter! But I Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! <3 Levi and Lindy are finally married! Yay lol team Levindy wins!


Next up is the two-part epilogue and then I'll be uploading Nathan's story "Always Ariel" ;)

Please Vote and Comment if you liked it =]


All my love

Kassandra <3

Love Lindy (Letters Of Change Series Book 3)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now