:Chapter Eight:

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Silence enveloped the two of us as we walked together, side by side, to my apartment. I checked my wristwatch and it's already late and I am sure mama's panicking and called for the police to come and search for me.

The vision of mama calling the police in her panic voice flashed inside my mind, then I let out a sigh. Then I remembered the broccoli-head beside me. I gave him a side glance before speaking.

I decided to break the silence by asking a question. "Why were you following earlier?"

He glanced at me for a second before answering. "If you're thinking that I was following because I'm concerned for your safety then you're wrong."

"You could've just said the answer instead of stalling." I pouted.

He heaved out a sigh. "Because they wanted me to bring you home. The seniors are actually concerned because it's dangerous for a girl like you to be lurking around at this time to night."

"What about the icicles?" I asked, noticing he wasn't holding the plastic bag where the two icicles were.

He looked away. "I... Ate them because they're already melting."

I hummed, focusing my bluish-green eyes on the street. Walking with this guy is so awkward. I don't know if it's because I'm not really sociable and 'm not good with talking to people I'm not that close or it's because this guy is really awkward. I just shrugged the thought off and just walked through the way to my apartment.

We arrived there ten minutes before nine and my mother almost threw the door away because of her panic attack. That's what I want to call it when she's gone coo-coo when something's off.

"Miyuki-chan!" Mama shouted, but still with demure.

I waved my hand, still wearing my 'I-don't-care' look. "I'm home."

Mama opened the door fully. But before I could enter the apartment, she enveloped me into a tight hug and heaved out a shaky sigh, her voice cracking as she spoke. "I'm so glad you're okay."

A small smile came crawling on my face as I returned her hug. "Don't worry so much mom. Worry will only bring stress."

Letting me go softly, her thin, pale lips curved up into a small smile. Then her smile dropped down after seeing the tall basketball player right behind me. Mama eyes the basketball player from head to toe and forced me to stand back.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Good evening Yuki-san." Midorima-kun greeted. "I'm Midorima Shintaro, Miyuki-san's classmate."

Mama instantly dropped her defensive stance and let her shoulders relax. Her hard gaze on Midorima-kun earlier softened as her lips slowly formed a smile.

"I'm sorry for treating you like a harasser earlier, Midorima-kun." Mama apologized, letting out a little giggle. "You know I'm just a single parent and I can't protect Miyuki-chan all the time."

"It's alright, Yuki-san. I understand." He said. I checked my wristwatch again and said that Midorima-kun needs to go home because it's already late. But mama frowned.

"Can't we invite him inside first? Let him drink a cup of hot chocolate before leaving." Mama stood aside to let Midorima-kun walk inside. "Beside, it's so cold out. A tall young man like you should keep warm to grow even taller."

Right now I'm wearing my 'WTF' look because of what my mother just blabbered. I didn't know that the hotter you felt, the taller you'll get. Maybe I should try that and maybe I'll get taller just by an inch. I shrugged the thought off and started to walk inside, taking my shoes off.

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