:Chapter Ten:

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I crashed onto my bed as I stared at the ceiling of my room. Thoughts of what Shimura-sensei's sister said flooded my mind and I can't stop thinking about it.

Why the hell do they care for me? I don't even give a damn about her and her life, so why does she care? Does she pity me because my family's broken? Does she think I'm an idiot because I hate basketball that much? Why?

I let out a low growl and hugged the closest pillow, burrying my face into this small, fluffy thing and drowning my problems in it.

I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.



I flinched in shock once I heard a very familiar voice speak behind me. Out of all people, why him?

Where am I, you ask? I'm currently watching the basketball team's practice. And yes, I am an idiot for going here even though I said I hate basketball and never join the basketball club as their manager.

Oh who am I kidding? I've thought about this since Saturday night and I promised I won't run away again. I want to get this hatred out of my heart and life. I want to at least look at the ball without glaring at it.

With determined eyes but unreadable face, I nervously faced the first year point guard of Shutoku Basketball team and slightly glared at him because of me being wussy.

"What is it?" He nervously asked as he backed away slowly because of fear for me.

I tried to calm myself and kept my face natural, but I failed and kept on talking while stuttering. "I-I-I want to join the ba-b-baskteball t-team as y-yo-your ma-manager."

I stared straight into his eyes and tried to read his thoughts through those silver irises. But his eyes shows nothing. Even his face shows nothing. Now I've said it.

I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for Takao-kun to say something. My nerves are getting the better of me, and I could feel my body tremble. If he won't say anything, I'll just leave.

I was about to move my foot foward when someone suddenly grabbed my forearm. I was guessing Takao-kun to be the person who stopped me, but when I turned my head to look at him, I was so shocked to see beautiful emerald irises behind rectangular-framed glasses and soft-looking green locks.


He instantly let go of me and adjusted his glasses, sighing. "I heard what you said ealier. Come in and ask the coach yoursef instead of us telling him."

It looked like Takao-kun woke up from his shock and grabbed both my shoulders with shaking hands, his eyes glowing with so much glee and his lips forming into a very wide smile.

But before he could even shout out his happiness, Midorima-kun grabbed the back collar of his shirt and pulled him inside the gym to continue practicing.

The scene was funny as Takao-kun tried to make Midorima-kun let go of his collar, but failed and recieved a slap from the head by Miyaji-senpai. But not funny enough for me to calm down.

I entered the gymnasium as eyes landed on me with questioning gazes.

All these eyes on me made me a little bit squirmish, so I clutched the strap of my bag tighter and fastened my pace to reach the location of Nakatani-sensei, hoping to get them all stop staring at me like I'm a rare specie of animal.

"Can I help you with something, Yuki-san?" Was his question once I got closer.

"Um," my eyes landed on everything except the coach's face, my heart beating faster. And I can't keep my thoughts together. But even so, I inhaled and tried to remain calm. "Manager. To. Want. I. Team. Be. The." Welp, guess that didn't work.

"Excuse me?" Nakatani-sensei raised an eyebrow at me, making my knees wobble like jelly. Shouldn't have come here in the first place.

He's scary. Being the coach for a national strong team, of course Nakatani-sensei's scary.

But because of that, I can't relax. I can't stop these nerves. But even so, I want to say it. I want to become the manager for this team. I want to change and look forward without glaring at an inanimate object that did nothing to me or to my mother. That is why I have to get this position and join the basketball club.

I have to be the manager for the basketball club!

Even with wobbly legs, I tried to remain calm, my face showing no signs of nervousness. I inhaled enough air as I faced the coach with a serous face.

"I want to be the team manager, Nakatani-sensei."



Here he goes. I anticipated for a huge body to crash mine in any seconds and tightly closed my eyes.

"Uff." I groaned in pain as Ryuu-san let go of me from the tackle.

Because of the huge impact, my vision started to whirl and my head started to throb. But other than the impact, this annoying voice is also the reason behind my throbbing head.


Instead of glaring at the teacher, I turned around and faced him with an annoyed smile. "Can I help you, Araki-sensei?"

He couged and recomposed himself onced he heard me emphasizing sensei. That, or the fact that everyone's staring at him. "I heard you signed up for the manager position for the basketball club."

I sighed, heaving out my annoyance. "I did. But it would take a while before Nakatani-sensei would approve."

"That old geazer," Ryuu-san clutched his fist and glared at nothing. "he should be thanful that you're willing to be the manager."

"I could understand him, Araki-sensei," I adjusted the strap of my bag and started to walk towards my classroom. "I was the one who kept my head hard, and I was a bit disrespectful to the players. And besides, I think there's someone who also signed up for the job and I heard she used to be a manager when she was in middle school. So I think Nakatani-sensei will choose her―"

Ryuu-san smacked the back of my head, not even bothering to let me finish what I was saying, an angry vein visible on his forehead. "At least be positive, idiot!"

"You're the idiot!" I exclaimed back, a tear dropped from my eye. "What kind of teacher would hit his student?"

"The teacher who wants his students to be positive and take all opportunities they could take." He crossed his hands and wore a proud smile that made him more annoying, closing his eyes to feel the moment more.

His annoying face made my eyes sore, and his annoying voice made my head and ears throb. I just stared at him for a few seconds before turning my back.

"Idiot." I finally muttered, walking away from the annoying teacher and let him there to drown in his own thoughts.

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