:Chapter Fourteen:

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"I'm home."

I removed my leather shoes as a sigh escaped my lips, then went further inside and plopped on down on the couch.

My mother went out of her room to see me wearing my tired face, her glasses at the bridge of her nose. "Welcome home, Miyuki-chan."

I sighed again, feeling the pain on my two feet. "Got bad news mama."

She walked closer to me, worry written all over her face. "What is it honey?"

Before I could tell her, I gathered all my thoughts together and massaged my forehead as I tried not to frown. "Mama, don't feel disappointed okay?"

"Your making me worry than feel disappointed, Miyuki-chan."

"Mama," I started, staring right into her blue orbs. "I won't have enough free time to be with you."

My mother stared back at me, shock written all over her face as her eyes held a thousand questions. "Wha– What do you mean, Miyuki-chan?"

"Mama," I paused again, unable to tell her the words that are stuck on my throat. I tried to swallow the lump that's clogging my throat. "I'm the new manager for the basketball club."

Her eyes widened in shock, even though she was shocked earlier. She placed her motherly hands on her lips as she stared at me with her blue irises.

She was silent for a few seconds before giving me a happy smile. "I-I'm so happy to hear that, Miyuki-chan."

I furrowed my eyebrows as a frown finally appeared on my face. "Mama, you're lying again. You're not happy but disappointed because I'll be gone even on weekends if I needed to."

She placed her hand on my shoulder and made me look at her. Mama's face didn't show any disappointment nor anger, but happiness overwhelmed her whole face. "Honey, I'm not sad, or even angry. You're finally socializing with people around your age. Don't worry about me, just have the best high school life."

"But ma–"

Her happy smile changed into a reassuring smile that somehow put my heart at ease. "You'd been through enough. You've never played with the children in Akita before and I was worried because of that. I know you just wanted to be with me to share this heavy burden. But Miyuki-chan, you're still 16 who'll still experience a lot of things."

She let go of my shoulder and enveloped my two hands with her own, staring intently with those blue irises, sending a lot of messages including a reassurance that she'll be alright. "Congratulations  for being the new manger, Miyuki-chan."


Otsubo-senpai toured me around the gymnasium and gave me the final reminders that they never told me before.

Asked me to come to practices even on weekends, and also help him discipline some first year troublemakers. Like Takao-kun.

"Got everything, Yuki?"

I nodded. "Yep, senpai. Got everything memorized inside my head."

The captain returned to his post as he disciplined some troublemakers. These troublemakers stopped and continued their practice with fear dressed on their faces. I returned to my clipboard and tried to recall every detail the captain reminded me just a while ago.


I yelped when someone suddenly pinched me on my waist, removing my attention on the clipboard on my hand.

I glared at Takao-kun and he just gave me a very happy grin. "How's your day?"

"It was okay until you showed up." I answered with my tone dripping with irritation.

"Can't you at least smile? It's your first day as the Shutoku basketball club manager after all." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders and returned my attention tobmy clipboard. The raven-head in front of me pouted and I internally felt disgusted.

Why do I hate him even though he's a good guy? Then I remembered. He has the same blood as Ryuu-san. Therefore he is annoying as him.

I sighed and heared the captain continue the practice. And as they all dribble, shoot, block, and jump, I did my duties as a manager―refilled the water containers, replaced used towels for new ones, and aided the basketball players. Except for Takao-kun.

The day was really tiring, but being here in this gym is something I know I'll treasure forever.

This may not be much for other people, but because of my past, this is so much for me. I've wasted so much on my childhood, I don't want to waste my teenage life.


A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I walked down the hallway with my bag in hand. The work of  manager is really tiring but it was fun being with them.

Players playing, Takao-kun joking, Midorima-kun getting irritated―the usual routine inside the gymnasium but it's truly fun watching them. Practice looked really hard that some even vomitted (including the duo) but from the look on their faces, they seem to enjoy even a bit of basketball.

Maybe this was how papa felt then.

I shook my head and suddenly found myself in front of the school gates. My name was suddenly called by a familiar voice and I turned around to be greeted by Takao-kun and Midorima-kun.

The raven-head ran towards me with this really enthusiastic face as the greed-head walked slowly.

"Yuki-chan!" Takao-kun shouted.

I waited for him to get close before I asked him what he wanted. "Do you want to grab something before going home?"

The thought of going home with them sounds fine as long as Takao-kun won't be annoying while we're together. So I nodded.

"Great!" He exclaimed with much enthusiasm. "I want to get ice pop. What about you Shin-chan?"

The person in question ignored him as he adjusted his glasses though Takao-kun didn't mind his coldness.

During the walk to the nearest convenient store, Takao-kun kept on talking; telling stories about his day as Midorima-kun and I ignored him. He was sure annoying but deep inside me I'm kind of happy hearing his complains about school, school work and basketball practice.

Because I never got to meet people like him.

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