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I woke up feeling Paige cuddled into me, her body perfectly molded into mine. She wore my t-shirt and tied it just above her belly button, exposing the soft skin on her torso. I smiled at her tiny self in my arms and gently wiggled away to stand up and stretch. She stayed quietly asleep with her mouth curled into a content smile.

I quietly pulled the sliding glass door to the balcony open and let the early sunlight wake up my skin.
I stretched my arms over the railing and looked down, seeing her balcony below me and smiling to myself. Just a couple weeks ago, she was a stranger, and now I felt like I was falling in love with her. Crazy.

I hadn't told any of the boys and god knows what they had been up to. But it was nice; to have something and someone just to myself without judgement from anyone. Even the band .

I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist and I spun around to see Paige smiling up at me. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her into a hug.

"Good morning." She hummed into my arm.

"Morning babe." The word rolled of my tongue as if I had been calling her that for years.

She pulled back and looked up at me with a smile forming on her mouth.

"Babe?" She teased

"Sorry." I giggled nervously.

"No." She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "I like it. Babe."

I laughed feeling relieved. She liked it. Hell yeah.

"I want to take you out tonight." I said playing with her fingers between mine.

"Yeah?" She bit her lip as her eyes lit up.

"Yeah. Why do you look so surprised?" I giggled pinching her cheek.

"I've never been on a real date before."

"No way." I scoffed

"Way." She widened her eyes at me.

"But you're so-"


"You're like perfect." I cooed

"Shut up." She smirked and pushed me back.

"No honestly." I took her face in my hands.

She tried to hide her childish grin as she squirmed in my arms.

"You're too cute." She pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Let's get coffee."

We walked hand in hand into the lobby and got in the long line of businessmen at the coffee shop.

"So what about the rest of the band?"
She crossed her arms over her waist.

"What about em'?" I spoke casually taking out my wallet.

"What are they gonna think about all this?" She poked my stomach.

"I don't know honestly." Paige had been distracting me from the reality of why I was here.

"Well are you gonna tell them?" We moved up in line and she turned her eyes to the menu.

"I want to.. if- you're okay with it." I felt nervous now, I hoped she would actually want to pursue what we had.

She turned to me and stared at my face with a slight smile.
"I want to meet them."

"Really?" I grinned

"Yeah. How about tonight?"

That seemed soon but they would find out sooner or later.

"After our date." I nudged her trying to hide my excitement.

"After our date." She repeated with a smirk.

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