checking out

18 1 0

M.c -

I threw my black suitcase on the bed just as a knock on my door interrupted.

"Hi can I pack in here?" Luke looked at me innocently and I opened the door without a word.

He set a bag of clothes and his own suitcase onto the couch.

"Can you believe we're packing already?" He said as he carefully took out each article of clothing one by one.

"It went by fast." I said casually, watching my tone.

He was quiet as he folded band tee after band tee.

"I just .. I uh don't want things to be...different between us." He finally said awkwardly.

I coughed and continue to pack unsure of what to say.

"We can just forget this all happened." He said looking down and zipping up his case, pulling off the couch and onto the floor.

My heart sunk a little in my chest. "We can." I responded as he stared a me for a while before rolling his case across the floor and out the door letting it shut behind him.

"But we don't have to."



I walked into the elevator and pressed the 2 button as my heart pounded. I walked up to the painfully familiar pink door and knocked.

The door opened and routinely revealed the beautiful girl I had fallen in love with.

She stared at me and neither of us spoke. She stood in the doorway and leaned her head against it letting out a sigh as she gave me the tiniest of smiles.

"Hi, I love you." I said

"Hi, I love you too." She responded letting out a giggle.

I couldn't help but smile as she pulled me inside. She led me by my hand over to the bed and I plopped down beside her as she took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder.

"Hey. I'm sorry about all this." she whispered.

"Don't be sorry, it was all worth it."

"It really was, wasn't it?" She cuddled into my side.

We were quiet as we just held each other for a while.

"Not all people who love each other are meant to be together." I said softly.

She turned to look at me. But instead of saying anything she touched her hand to my cheek cupping it like a child. Her fingers trailed down my jaw to my neck and further down to the tattoo below my collar bone. She leaned down and kissed me so gently it gave me chills.

We stood up and I hugged her tightly before she walked me to the door.

"Don't forget me." I said giving her a smile.

"How could I? Calum Hood." She smirked and gave me a grin.

Just as I turned she yelled "wait!"
She grabbed my hand and pulled something out of her pocket. She opened my fingers and placed a blue lollipop in my hand.

I giggled as she smiled before shutting the door, putting the 93 in front of my face. I stared at it for a second before turning away and walking down the hallway on floor two for the last time.

The boys and I met in the lobby with our tour manager who greeted us with coffee.
"You guys did it!"
We looked at each other laughing "we did it."

"What about Paige, cal?" Michael raised a brow at me.

"She belongs here, we don't." I glanced down keeping a smile on my face as all the beautiful moments ran through my head.

We headed out the door and started walking towards the tour bus in the parking lot. I turned to look over my shoulder at the rooms behind me.
The girl with long brown hair and tattoos who wore skater skirts had her arms stretched over the white balcony and a cigarette in her mouth. She flashed me her signature smirk and I returned the action.

As I got onto the bus, my phone buzzed. I looked down to see the text from Paige.

: Are you going to introduce yourself or are you going to keep stalking me?

I laughed to myself with a stupid grin on my face.

I'd never forget the incredible memories I made with the girl in Room 93.

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