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8pm rolled around and I was walking down the hotel hallway on my way to Paige's room. I was going to take her out. I told her I would and I wanted to. I did my research and found a nice restaurant 10 minutes from the hotel. No one would know, and the people who would see, wouldn't care.

The silver pendent 93 sparkled from the light above my head as I knocked, nervous and damn excited.

The door opened and I immediately smiled at the girl in front of me.

"Hi you look-"
I noticed there were tears falling from her eyes.
"wwhat's wrong?" I spoke urgently taken back from her crying.

She reached out and pulled me in the room just enough to shut the door behind me. She silently raised her phone up to my face.

A message from someone named Jake
lit up her screen. Where are you? I want to talk now.

It hit me.
" that?-"
She nodded at me with a helpless look on her face.

She walked over to the bed and sat down creating wrinkles in the white sheets.

"I haven't seen his name on my phone in a year." She looked down.

"You mean he never.."

"Never texted, never called once. Didn't even make sure I was alive." She breathed deeply and looked over at me.

"I'm scared, Calum." she spoke slowly.
I walked over to the bed and sat beside her taking her hand in mine.

A few moments passed with the low hum of the ac being the only sound besides our breathing.

"I want people to think I'm tough, that I don't care. But I'm just scared."

"Please don't be scared." I begged taking her face in my hands. "You're safe here with me. Ok?" I tried to convince her. I wanted her to trust me more than anything.

Her mouth curled into a tiny relieved smile as her eyes blinked up to my face.

She held up her pinkie finger to me.
"Promise?" She whispered.
I wrapped my finger around hers.

"I promise." I said pressing a delicate kiss to her forehead.

"Now, I'd love to take you on a proper date, if you're still interested."
I gave her a small smile.

"I'm still very interested." She gently pinched my cheek.

"So after July, we go back on tour for three months." I swallowed the champagne that the waiter so graciously poured at the table with no question of age.

"Three months? God.. don't you guys miss home?"
Paige sat across from me in her perfectly simple black and her long curled hair flowing over her shoulders revealing just a peak of the tattoo on her arm as she sipped on her drink. She was like a dream.

"Of course. But we have so much fun at the same time. Performing is like nothing else."

She looked at me with her head in her palm and a smile on her face.
"I would love to see you perform."

I blushed at the thought of her at one of our shows. I loved that she cared about what I did.

We had been talking at the restaurant for almost three hours, trying to know more and more about each other. I had almost forgotten about introducing her to the band.

"I'm going to text the boys, see if they'd want to meet us somewhere." I explained, not wanting her to think I was being rude by texting.

I sent the message and set my phone on the table. I turned my attention back to the gorgeous girl in front of me. I rested my head in my hand like a kid and stared at her with admiration. The drops of alcohol in my veins buzzed throughout my body and once again this all seemed like a dream.

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