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L.h -


Two nights had passed since my completely humiliating talk with Michael. Sleeping was tough because I couldn't stop thinking about what he thought of me now. I was straight. I liked girls. But sometimes Michael gave me this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't explain. No other guy, just him. It was the strangest thing. And part of me knew he felt that way too.

There was a knock in my door quickly followed by a text message on my phone from Michael that said : Open the door.

I pulled the door open and cleared my throat as he walked in passed me.
"Uh hi." I said as he sat on the edge of my bed and folded his hands together.
His fingers fiddled with the several bracelets that he wore stacked on his wrist as he sat silently.

"Is everything uh- are you okay?" I stood awkwardly waiting for him to say something.

He continued to look down at his hands.

"I've been thinking about what you said." He mumbled quietly.

"Oh.. I wasn't- that was stupid I was just-"

"No it wasn't." He cut me off and blinked his eyes up to mine.

"I's true." He spoke quietly.

"..what's true?" I said nervously frozen in place.

"That I'm into girls... and boys." he said and my breath hitched in my throat.
He stared at me waiting for my reaction but all I could do was stare back.

"Say something please." He hung his head avoiding eye contact.

"Why do you uh- why do you think that?" I fumbled over my words not knowing what to say to make this conversation less uncomfortable.

"" his eyes met mine again.

"Me? What about me?"

"God Luke, you know what I'm trying to say." he whined frustratedly throwing his head back.

I moved closer sitting myself on the edge of the bed leaving feet of space between us.

"Sorry.. I- do you um.. like me?" I chocked on my words.
He looked at me like he was about to cry right then.

"Do you like me?" He whispered.
I felt my chest tighten. Things I thought would have never been said were being said and I didn't know how to feel.
I nodded ever so slightly and he shut his eyes and took a deep breath of relief.

"What the hell are we going to do?"

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